Right to Education

The rights being violated are the violation of the right to education regardless of the race, class gender etc. A specific example fo this is Malala went through a Taliban shooting and now helps girls to get an education in countries where girls cannot or do not have the rights. This happens due to conflict in the country, LEDC’s not having enough infrastructure. This as well as gender discrimination. This happens because the child goes to education or elementary schools then the parents will tell them to get out of schools to work for them in LEDC’s. These rights are currently being protected by the Malala foundation and UNICEF. These organisations raise money and awareness about this issue and help out where they can. One other perspective on this point is a cultural relativism perspective. This is from the Taliban as they do not believe in the western style of education for girls and therefore punish people like Malala who try to go to school. I think a way for me to help out with these right violations is simply raising awareness. I cannot go to these countries and physically help but I think raising awareness is good enough. Even just posting this blog post is doing the job and hopefully a few people understand the issue from this.


A Girl in the River

The first perspective that challenged my thinking was the perspective of the father. I don’t think it is right to murder your own daughter just because they have married someone poorer than you. Love is love and I don’t think money or wealth should be a factor impacting that. I also thought it was very unreasonable of them to swear on the Quran that they would not hurt er but then take her to the river and kill her in such an unlawful way. Thye shot her and but her in a sack hoping she would drown and everyone would forget. Thankfully she survived to tell the story. I think it is also a bit strange how it says nothing in the Quran about not killing anyone and how it doesn’t say you shouldn’t do it. I find that a bit strange. Although I have to respect their religion I don’t understand why it doesn’t say anything about not killing people. I know in many other religions it is a major crime.

Guest Speaker: Matt Friedman – Mekong Club

I thought Matt’s talk was really interesting and it certainly inspired me to help out this growing issue of modern slavery. He talked about Human Trafficking today and how many people did not understand how much of it their is. I was certainly one of them. I had learnt about it before but when I saw all of the numbers in front of me I was definitely shocked. I learnt that although many people think that modern slavery is mainly prostitution it is actually not. Prostitution only takes up 25% of the modern slavery total. The other 75% are those doing forced labour. He also talked about the way in which people Traffic Humans. They do this by tricking them and deceiving them into thinking they are getting something good (“almost too good to be true!”) Then once they reach the factory, brothel, boat etc, they cannot leave because the owners scare them with threats and torture methods. Once these people become sick, injured or useless, they just throw them out onto the streets. One question I still have is why the name Mekong Club? Where did it come from? How did it originate?

Human Rights In North Korea

I am interested in North Korea as many articles and blog posts say that they violate the most amount of human rights and quite often as well. All basic freedoms have been severely restricted In North Korea, prisoners, mostly made up of impoverished individuals locked up for committing petty crimes. Their efforts to survive, subject them to horrific treatment. Not only this but also their have been cases of Kim Jong Un ordering women to drown their own babies in buckets. I think the reason human rights are violated in this way is because he wants to establish his power. This concerns me because having a mum drown her own baby on demand is truly truly awful and something someone should never have to go through. I think What influenced my perspective on this is the country I live in and the way I am treated and that I have most, if not all of the human rights.



Top 3 Countries With the Worst Human Rights Violations

According to new Google research, teens think Google is cool—sorry, “lit”

After reading the article, review the scattergraph.

– To what extent are your brand choices reflected in the scattergraph?

  • I would say it is quite accurate to a certain extent although some of the brands in the graph I would disagree with for example I think as of now many more people are aware of Supreme so I don’t think it should be at the bottom of the graph.

– Do you gravitate towards ‘cool’ and ‘aware’ brands? Why or why not?

  • Yes I think I do because they are the trend and lots of people have respect for you. For example lets use clothes. If you are wearing nice clothes that are in with the trends but then if you get too carried away they label you as “basic” so then I just choose clothes that are nice to wear and stand out from the obvious brands.

– Comment on at least five brands and your opinions about them.

  • H&M – I think H&M is a really great brand especially for us because they sell really nice clothes at a relatively cheap price point.
  • Adidas – I think adidas should be more cool as they have recently been trying to get into the streetwear categories with things like boost and yeezys
  • Nike – Nike I think they are up here just because of how well known they are. If they don’t start trying to create new things they will certainly fall down this chart
  • Netflix&Youtube – I think Netflix and youtube are pretty much under in teh same category. Us teenagers only really use our computers for entertainment and no longer really watch TV so these two platforms is what we really use to entertain ourselves.

My thoughts after the debate

I think after the debate there was certainly a hefty amount of information which I had to process many of which are correct and some which I disagree with. In terms of me, I believe I was born as a boy and had all of the genetics that made me a boy. For example there was a study done in UCLA showing how they studied mice embryos and how there are 54 differing because of gender. Other things such as testosterone and more play a role in making me a boy. Then from there I think it is how society looks and sees you. If you see a boy on the street you would talk to them differently if they were a girl. This relates to the bobo doll experiment and shows how when we are young we act like other people and learn and do things the same as they do. So overall I think the real driving force that starts this off is our genetic and then from there it is how society perceives us and how they treat us that makes us who we are.

Nature vs Nurture Gpers

After watching the video about how a boy turned into a girl it made me think a lot about my own gender identity

I think as I grew up and of course still am. My environment hasn’t really had that big of an impact on my gender as I feel like I have always been a boy. I have played with boys toys, I did lots of boy things and all of my friends were boys. When I was younger I would often copy a lot of the things my friends do and of course if all of my friends were boys then I would try to be more like them. So that was the only real impact of the environment for me although even still I feel like I have always been a boy.

I think My gender is very important to my identity because immediately when people see my they see that I am a boy and therefore when they meet me they hear everything I say through a filter and that filter being my physical gender. Of course as the person gets to know me they will understand more and more about who I am and how my mental gender may be different to my physical gender.

My gender has certainly shaped the way I think because I talk like all other guys and think about certain things like muscles and things just like they do. But in a way so do the rest of them, they are all trying to be like one another because in this day and age it is really easy just to fit in with everyone and it is much more difficult to be an outlier.

Nowadays there are many things making me look at my gender in a different way because people are now more open about their gender and there are so many different kinds gender that it has made me question myself. Although I don’t think my opinion on my gender has changed and it has stuck the same. Although if in the future I decide that I need to change my gender (which I most probably want to do) then I  will because by that time it wont be a big problem to change your gender and how your world is changing.

So all in all when we look at the nature nurture debate. I believe that their is an element of nature and that when you are born you are either a boy or a girl. But then as you grow up and become more independent you realise that their are some aspects of you that were formed by what influences you.