How Well do I sleep?

I think I sleep quite well I try to get 8-9 hours every night and often go to bed earlier if I have to wake up earlier in the morning for swimming. I think I could improve and not look at screens before I sleep as I know that can have an effect on how well you sleep. On the weekends especially Saturday night, since I don’t have to wake up for anything on Sunday I sleep for like 10-11 hours so I can recharge my batteries.

1st Week of Grade 10

It has happened so fast, I am already more than halfway done with my GCSE’s. This was a strange first week back for me as I have never come back to the same kind of classes and continuing the same programme. I have usually come back to a new class, new teachers etc. This week was quite a good week back and I thought it was good how Monday and Friday were off timetable days so we could spend time talking about pse/service/activities etc. My thoughts on this year so far and how it will work out are relatively good at the moment. I like how we not doing anything new so we can pretty much hit the ground running and “get back to the grind” I am also looking forward to my swimming this year to see what I can achieve in that field. My goal this year is to get more of my events in the British summer nationals and compete in them in the summer. With study leave this year I should be able to train much more with a lot more time to focus on myself. Academics wise I think my internals last year went really well and I am quite comfortable where I’m at. I want to do well in the mocks because that really sets me up for the final exams at the end of the year. Looking forward to the year ahead.

TWC2, Seema – Writers Fortnight

I thought this talk was the most meaningful because it was a very local issue. I had previously been part of a service “healthserve” in grade 8 in which we helped injured migrant workers to entertain them by playing games and such which would stop them from staying in their hostels alone. I thought it was a very good service and I enjoyed seeing the migrant workers smile and have a good time. Although I was in this service I didn’t quite realise all of the details to this problem and why it was so bad. I was glad to hear that the MOM let the migrant workers have a special pass. But then realise that it doesn’t really help them because they no longer get paid during this period.

One part of me thought that this issue is a very big issue in singapore and as she said it will be a “slowburn” but non the less that doesn’t mean we cant help the process

Another part of me was talking to a classmate afterward and we were thinking that in order for a society and economy to work properly you need cleaners and garbage man and things. Not everyone can be a CEO or Boss. But non the less this doesnt mean that those who are CEO’s have more rights than those working at a garbage dump.

Deborah Emmanuel – Writers Fortnight

Deborah Emmanuel was certainly one of my favourite speakers from writers fortnight 2018 because she seemed to be the most real. She didn’t really hold back when it came to her thoughts and she just said what she felt which I thought was very powerful. Most of the time she would talk about her not feeling as though she belongs in a community eg Singapore. She told us poems about this and shared a few of her thoughts on the point. I can certainly relate to this and I am sure many other people can because we all have those times when we feel although we don’t belong in a community so then we must try to find one in which we do fit. Kind of like finding friends. Not everyone can be your friend so you have to choose a few that you think you can relate to and like the most. I really enjoyed her poems and I felt like i listened to her more when she was telling her poems as they were more complex and more interesting that you had to be very attentive in order to understand what she was trying to tell you.

“Everything is going to be okay, its not okay because we choose not to think it is okay”

Robyn Hayes – Writers Fortnight

I personally didn’t even realise that child marriage was such a big issue in the world. Robyn Hayes really did state how it is impacting many many children around the world and I didn’t even know about it. For example she stated the 1/3 children in the developing word are married under the age of 18. She also said the women there are only valued for being mothers and wives. I understood this from the mans perspective but when she said that the woman felt this way too I was shocked. To think that the women themselves only know what it feels like to be a mother or wife is really quite sad as they have no friends and not much of a social life etc. Another big factor that took my attention was that child marriage means that gils cannot have an education which I didn’t understand previously but obviously greatly upscales the issue. I liked how Robyn had a different way of attacking the problem compared to most other people when faced with a global issue. She gave them a voice. I think this is really meaningful as “a picture tells 100 words” so it was very very meaningful to me and I also thought it was a very good way to spread awareness.

According to new Google research, teens think Google is cool—sorry, “lit”

After reading the article, review the scattergraph.

– To what extent are your brand choices reflected in the scattergraph?

  • I would say it is quite accurate to a certain extent although some of the brands in the graph I would disagree with for example I think as of now many more people are aware of Supreme so I don’t think it should be at the bottom of the graph.

– Do you gravitate towards ‘cool’ and ‘aware’ brands? Why or why not?

  • Yes I think I do because they are the trend and lots of people have respect for you. For example lets use clothes. If you are wearing nice clothes that are in with the trends but then if you get too carried away they label you as “basic” so then I just choose clothes that are nice to wear and stand out from the obvious brands.

– Comment on at least five brands and your opinions about them.

  • H&M – I think H&M is a really great brand especially for us because they sell really nice clothes at a relatively cheap price point.
  • Adidas – I think adidas should be more cool as they have recently been trying to get into the streetwear categories with things like boost and yeezys
  • Nike – Nike I think they are up here just because of how well known they are. If they don’t start trying to create new things they will certainly fall down this chart
  • Netflix&Youtube – I think Netflix and youtube are pretty much under in teh same category. Us teenagers only really use our computers for entertainment and no longer really watch TV so these two platforms is what we really use to entertain ourselves.

Generation Z Collage

I chose these ten Images because I think they best describe our generation. The biggest one in the middle is the one I think explains the most about us. It is a baby at a computer.

This represents how we have only ever grown up with technology around us and it is a very different childhood in comparison to those in the generations above us

The other images such as the mobile phone, Snapchat, Youtube and Instagram show how we are all connected online and on social media. The Champion Logo and the Fidget spinner goes to show how we are like sheep and follow trends really easily.

The Vegan logo is showing how as a whole we are more accepting of people’s different values and beliefs. Homer lying down as well as the kid getting money express’ how we are lazy and when we are children everything is given to us as if we are being spoon fed.

Chetan Bhagat – Writers Fortnight

Chetan Bhagat was one of my favourite speakers so far. I really did enjoy listening to him and he did tell us why. He said in order to reach people you must reach them through entertainment. He did this by making us all laugh in the beginning and then since he was “funny” we all listened to him.

He talked to us abut success and how you can get it.

  • A winner is someone who either is better then the rest (eg. Sport) or someone who changes the game (eg. Writing)
  • He used a cockroach analogy to describe how a winner is not the strongest player, it is the one who can adapt to its environment.
  • You always ned to be thinking of new ways to reach people. He did books then Bollywood.

He then talked to us about goal setting and how you need to ad a time frame to a goal or else it is just a dream.

I related to this part a lot due to the fact that I swim a lot. We set a lot of goals and we practice this a lot but I have never heard it been said in this way so it made me think more about my dreams/goals.