Gpers Mandala goal setting

  1. A short summary of the task.

The task was set to us to pick out parts of our identity which were either sun traits or shadow traits, meaning they were either obvious and outright easy for others to observe or traits that one would have to know you quite well to understand about you. We were given 2 weeks and a 1500 word limit to write about this and create a mandala to symbolise each of these traits. In the essay, we had to mention how we were influenced by our nature or nurture to have developed these traits and whether they were an example of determinism, free will, individualism or collectivism.

  1. Goals

What would you like to improve?

Formatting the paragraphs and having the essential components inputted into the essay, and referencing properly to the rubrics. Management of content, using the important stuff that answers the question and fulfils the requirements in the word limit without waffling, no matter how boring the content required may be ;). 

Time management skills when planning and then doing the project without procrastination. Not spending too much time doing the things that can be done later and instead prioritising the more important parts of work.