
In this IFP session we explored different situations in which conflict is present, initially I have always thought that conflict was merely and purely an act of violence but after this activity I now know that it isn’t always violent and only the responses tend to be violent. I feel like this is crucial for every student and person to know because it in a way forces us to look at a different perspectives every time which is important in this post-factual era in where it is hard to differentiate fact from faux.  Situations of conflict isn’t a black and white situation, it is so much more than that and this activity makes us see that and understand that on a deeper level and this is very important for peace building, you can’t advocate peace and you can’t spread peaces unless you understand the conflict thoroughly first.

Just to mention, IFP demonstrates and shows immense commitment to and perseverance in experiences. This isn’t an activity in which you plan for a trip. In IFP you explore yourself and how the world works, you learn how to be a better person and how to use this for the better. You learn about conflicts and ways to resolve it, you learn why people think they do and all that, much similar to TOK but also applying it in real life. This also clearly demonstrates the engaging act we do tied with global issues, which is the basic goal of IFP, to achieve peace in conflict areas. IFP is also a collaborative activity in which we will be working alongside our friends and other people from conflicted areas. Through this we will learn how to build strong relationships with people, and through relationships we hope to spread peace.


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