Studying GPers allows you to consider issues that you have never really thought about before

I definitely agree with this statement as before I began studying GPers I had never considered anything (even news articles during academic classes) from as many angles and took into account how a single person or people look upon something from their viewpoint. Investigating this subject and many aspects of it allows me to read almost anything with a different mindset, even considering others’ in my everyday life. In this example, with the seemingly homophobic baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple, we can see that there are three main perspectives: the baker’s, Leila’s and James Paddison (the politicianĀ involved). This is one example where the importance of learning about GPers helps me. I see and understand everyone’s perspective in this situation but I am in complete agreement with James Paddison essentially saying that gay couple can exist but they can be discriminated by heterosexuals. The reason I feel this way is the rise in popularity of people saying that homosexuality should be legalised. Personally, I am not really in favour of homosexuality as I am Christian and in my honourable opinion, I would not feel very comfortable if there were people walking around and holding hands of the same gender, regardless of what religion you are. On the topic of religion, homosexuality is also against a handful of religions (Christianity and Islam). My parents have had a slight impact on my thoughts and feelings towards this as well.

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