NYAA Reflection – Skill

As my skill, I did DJ Club which taught me everything about DJing, from beat-matching to transitioning. This activity allowed me to not only learn from other, more skilled DJs but also allowed me to teach beginners for a period of time. Throughout the activity, I needed to collaborate and communicate with others, which gave me the opportunity to meet new people of other nationalities as well as ages and grades. I have realised, while teaching, that I needed to be more patient when somebody does not understand what I am asking them to do, as well as using the appropriate language and terms to make it easier for others to learn. However, I have realised that it was relatively easy for me to adapt to different people, especially when communicating with younger people. I faced the challenge of having to take initiative for being a leader and taking responsibility for peoples’ actions within the club, as while teaching I would have to give feedback for the students I was teaching and would grade them from excellent to very poor. The three sections were attendance and punctuality, achievement and level of expertise on the equipment and behavioural standards, commitment to care. This taught me and gave me the feel of how it is to be a teacher and what organisational skills would be required to give quality feedback and even gave me the ability to run a small business of sorts, as they both require similar proficiencies. As performing was a relatively large part of the activity and skill, I gained some experience for what it is like to do shows in front of a large number of people. For example, what the best thing to say or do if you do not have the song that someone requested, or what to do if you make a mistake. My overall biggest achievement for my skill was performing at a graduation for the UWCSEA Class of ’18, in front of around a thousand people.

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