My UWCSEA Learning Journey

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What I want to get involved at UWC

on September 10, 2019

Since UWC have many activities and services, I want to get involved in many things at UWC.

First of all, I really want to get involve in performing arts related activities. There are many opportunities such as “culturama” “drama production” and so on. I started learning ballet when I was 5 and since then, I love performing on stage and entertaining. In my previous school, there were not many and also, they did not have a big stage like UWC does. I signed up for both culturama and “the heart of robin hood” which is a drama production for this year.

Secondly, I am eager to join services. I have never done many services in my life and i have thousands of opportunity in this school so I would like to be involved in it. Also, I am interested in medical jobs so I would like to at least get an idea of what it is like to work in a hospital or facilities like that.

Last but not least, I would like to be in the community of UWC, make new friends and have a nice high school life!

One Response to “What I want to get involved at UWC”

  1. mlo says:

    Thanks for sharing Rikako, I hope you enjoy all the opportunities at UWCSE you are interested in!

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