1. Your name and previous mathematics experience (IGCSE, MYP, FIB, any other course)
    Hi, my name is David and previously I have done both IGCSE CIE and Additional Mathematics.
  2. What might be some of the feelings that you associate with mathematics? How do you feel about starting this course and why?
    When it comes to mathematics, I typically associate it with excitement. Personally I have always enjoyed math and have both enjoyed working through problems and in some instances working and working on a single problem until I can conjure and answer. I am for the most part, feeling excited to learn new topics, but at the same time scared/nervous that I will not be able to understand and/or gain proficiency over them.
  3. How do you like to learn mathematics? Where would you put yourself on this continuum and why?
    Mostly on the “I like to work things out for myself” because I find that if I am able to work it out independently I am able to remember it better. For example if it is a new topic, I like to practice problems by myself, unless I need help.
  4. What do you do when you are “stuck” in mathematics? In your past experiences, how have you successfully overcome such misunderstandings?
    Usually when I am stuck in math, as encouraged by my previous math teachers, to spend extra time to work on it instead of just looking for an answer. If after a while I cannot get an answer on my own, I tend to look online for methods on how to solve the type of question I am doing. In doing so I typically overcome the misunderstandings I have.
  5. Which one of the following skills is your biggest strength in learning mathematics? Which one might be the biggest area of focus for your mathematics in the first few weeks of Grade 11?
    My biggest strength in learning mathematics is persistence, as I feel like I don’t give up easily on hard questions, and I will try my best to figure it out on my own.

    My biggest focus in mathematics would be to be organised, but not necessarily in the traditional sense. I would like to be able to organise all the different formulas and approaches to various problems in my head such that when it comes to application I know what I need to do.

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2 thoughts on “Maths and Me

  1. Thank you for sharing these thoughts David. Remember to sometimes put a problem aside and come back to it a day or more later – I think you will be surprised by the power of your subconscious. It is not ‘important’ to ‘complete’ and have answers immediately, all of the time.

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