CAS – Activity – Reflection 1

This year I chose to continue with one the same sports I did last year, rugby. Rugby however only starts in the second season so for the first season I’m doing pre-season rugby. I think pre-season rugby focuses most on learning outcomes 4 and 5. Since it isn’t necessary for the team some people just skip it, but I think that doing pre-season first will really help later on. As a team sports rugby is assured to help from bond and encourage collaboration, not just between the players but also between players and coaches. During pre-season, we train on the field every Tuesday morning, and for most other weekdays we are in the gym after school. So far I’ve found it very difficult to get back into the swing of things, with it being both physically and mentally taxing. It’s hard to find that incentive to go, and waking up each Tuesday at 5 am seems even harder than last year. However the more I train and wake up the easier it becomes and the clearer my goals become. I think rugby really helps me to have something to focus on that’s not schoolwork. I think this is an important part of balancing out my life. Pre-season rugby also really helps as a start to extra circulars as later I’m going to be doing proper rugby and softball and still having to juggle everything else. Pre-season works as a warm-up for what’s to come.

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One thought on “CAS – Activity – Reflection 1”

  1. Great Reflection! Maybe, refer explicitly to the learning outcomes that you are referring to in the posts. Also, in some of the later posts, you could add in a bit more evidence in terms of photos and videos.

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