Significant Learning

This term I have learned many new things. For example, in Music, I have learned quite a lot of theory. In Spanish, I have developed my speaking and listening skills and I have developed many skills and learned new topics and concepts in all of my other subjects. In English, I have learned the different techniques poet’s use to show meaning. In math, I have been introduced to a completely new topic which was logarithms. There were a couple of challenges while learning these topics and developing these skills, but I have successfully been able to achieve these skills and learn new topics.

My Mentor Conversation

During my mentor conversation, I acknowledged my strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, I have strengths in all of my classes but I also have weaknesses in all of my classes. For example, in Science, my strength is Chemistry and Biology, but my weakness is Physics, so I usually take more time when learning different topics in Physics. We also talked about the next steps on how I could convert my weaknesses to my strengths. For example, I could revise the previous physics topics when learning the next unit so that I can continue to remember the things I had learned. Also, if I don’t understand a concept, I can refer to the dedicated IGCSE books since they give multiple examples of a specific concept.