This article showed how he was amused by the process of watching how something was created, and how it was more interesting than watching the final product.

He mentioned his love for watching and seeing the process of Bob Ross paint, although he knew that there were better artists and that by watching the process it felt as if the audience was part of the process.
I agree with his thoughts, that seeing the process makes it more intriguing and it gives a better understanding – a backstory to the final creation.

“I realized that making is magic” – this really stood out from the entire article, and it highlights how the process and the act of sharing are what matters the most. By sharing your process, it can help inspire others and build up new and better ideas.

Henry Jenkins describes the act of sharing the process as “Participatory cultures” which is entered on shared interests and reminds us that creativity is always built on, and inspired by others.

This article made me realize the reason why we are making this English Learners Portfolio – to show our process of improvement and give us a chance to reflect on our own work and encourage metacognition. It will allow me to give feedback to myself, but to also have a better approach to learning in the future.