Fear of others 

Point: The poet displays different perspectives on the current situation, such as xenophobia which has arouse from the panic, as well as showing the attitude people should be having.

Evidence: The 2 sides of the poem shows 2 different perspectives, the left side highlighting the xenophobia, while the right side creating contrast by pointing out the issue from that, and how people should be dealing with this situation.

“Foreign disease-ridden walking pathogens” “Anyone coughing or sneezing”

Analysis: The personification of the pathogens as “Foreign” metaphorically symbolizes how people are blaming the foreigners for spreading the virus, and has a bias against a group of people just because they are foreigners. Although this has a literal meaning of pathogens as a foreign substance that causes infections, it is clear that the poet is showing that any foreigners are viewed as the disease automatically.

“Anyone” coughing/sneezing or showing any small symptoms shows how much fear there is, as no one really knows who could pass on the virus to you, and no one can be trusted in this situation.

Masking true thoughts

Point: The motif of Masks is used throughout the poem, explaining the surface level situation with the use of the literal meaning of masks – avoiding getting the virus by wearing masks, but also in a metaphorical sense where the masks show how people are covering their true intentions and beliefs.

Evidence: “Scramble for masks like talismans”  “Masks reveal our fears” “They mask their true intentions”

Analysis: The mask is almost used as an advantage for people to be able to spread this xenophobic mindset around while hiding themselves and their true intentions.

“Talismans” are usually used to ward off any evil, and the poet uses a simile to connect/contrast the symbolic meaning of the mask and getting rid of evil.

It also shows how instead of how it looks – that people are protecting themselves from the virus, they are protecting themselves from the people and others. Everyone is blaming anyone, and there is a lack of empathy which brings fear towards everyone else, showing how the act of wearing a mask is a way to defend yourself from receiving the blame – how it “reveals our fears”

Fear of fear itself

Point: The poet conveys how we should all be aware of the concealed issue behind this pandemic – the fear and strong prejudice that has been created due to the panic and confusion. That this fear is more contagious than the virus and we should be careful of our own ignorance.

Evidence: “All this paranoia is as lethal as any other pandemic” “Xenophobes are plagues of terror” “This disease of our own ignorance”

Analysis: The poet depicts the bigger underlying impact this pandemic has – the bias and fear of others, that have spread faster and has a longer effect than the actual virus. The poet compares and refers to the fear, with words such as “Plague”, “Disease”, which connects to the actual COVID-19 virus, but also shows how the disease of ignorance, fear, and prejudice has the same amount of impact to peoples beliefs and perspectives of the situation.

“This is not the last we shall see of it” – This shows the long term effect of the prejudice people have developed, how getting rid of this mindset is harder than curing the virus, and that this “disease” of targeting a certain group of people to put the blame on has been going on for so long that the poet explains how this won’t go away that soon.