Mocks Paper 1 Progress (Language and Literature)

  1. How might you embed & unpack examples/ evidence to support your arguments more effectively?
  2. How might you connect on visual elements of the text to support your arguments & deepen your evaluation?
  3. How might you edit for precision in language and terminology

What went well:

  • It was better than I expected.
  • Had more analysis and a set of theme in there

What’s next:

  • Unpacking the visual elements of the text along with the lexical aspects to further strengthen my analysis.
  • Reading more to know the context behind texts
  • Perhaps I need to unapck the context behind to strength my analysis

CA: 4 & 4

CB: 4 & 4

CC: 4 & 4

CD: 4 & 3

Total: 16+15=31 (6)

IO Final Reflection

For my IO, I chose to use Woman’s world, a literature text, which is a novel written by Graham Rawle, and a picture of the Mochida Family taken by Dorothea Lang for my non-literature text.

I had my IO outline printed in front of me along with the two pictures for me to help me analyze.

Overall, the oral went well, and it was better than I expected. It went smoothly and the teacher helped me unpack more on my second text through the question and answer section since I couldn’t really go in depth with my analysis due to the time constraintment.

Reflection 3# HL Essay

Final Decision:

After the discussion with my teacher and brainstorming ideas with my friends regarding my HL Essay, I decided to re-write most of my HL essay. Initially, I chose two texts from Always and Gillette. For Always analysis, I chose to re-write parts of the paragraphs while giving pieces of evidence to further support my claims. I provided more images to support my thesis and added more analysis as I took out the irrelevant claims that did not support my thesis strands. I also tried to link the paragraphs with a broader idea or theme every time I end a paragraph. The same goes for Gillette analysis. I changed almost all of my evidence and made new claims. After changing all of them, I prove-read all of them again and submitted the final essay.

Overall, I was satisfied with my new changes and glad that I was able to submit it in time!

Paper 1 Reflection – CAT (Jan 2021)

Mars Water: will it be contaminated by Earth cooties?

  1. How might you use more precise terminology?
  2. How might you unpack the visual elements more effectively?


  • The time constraint was one of the first obstacles I face while writing the essay
  • Reading all the text on the paper could have helped me in framing my thesis better in terms of narrowing down the broad idea.
  • Unpacking and including the analysis for the visuals more and connecting it to the theme
  • Using terminologies that will further unpack the text to a global idea

Overall, although I still lack in my analysis and my ability to provide a clearer thesis that will connect to a bigger theme, I did better than my last papers and it surprised me.

November Paper 1 feedback

Criteria A: Understanding and interpretation –> 3/5

Criteria B: Analysis and evaluation –> 3/5

Criteria C: Focus and organization –> 3/5

Criterion D: Language –> 2/5

Total: 11/20

  1. How might you identify the ideas & themes in the article?
  2. How might you unpack the text type conventions of the article and connect these to ideas/ themes developed by the author?
  3. How might you unpack the visual/verbal and structural elements of the text more effectively?

Progress in comparison to September paper 1 practice: In terms of analysis, it improved from 2 to 3 but language dropped by 1 for this paper. Other than my analysis and language, it stayed the same for all other criteria.

Areas of improvements:

  • further developing ideas
  • connecting into bigger themes
  • unpacking further and elaborating the analysis
  • usage of tense, vocabulary, and literary terms
  • visual element analysis
  • Perhaps looking back into some of the slides and analytical terms for articles such as newspaper and media slide


  1. To develop and connect the text to bigger themes and idea
  2. Creating a strong thesis statement
  3. Unpacking structural elements (visual and elements)
  4. Connecting with what the author is trying to tell
  5. Organizing the essay more by using PEA structure
  6. Providing more analysis and further unpacking

#1 Reflection of HS Student Alumni and Foundation Council

Our first day of the activity was just trying to get to know what the service is about and what they do in general. The first task was to choose the top 3 memorable events in 2019 so we all brainstorm the events. Then we chose what’s the most common answer for all of us and we assigned ourselves to write a paragraph about it along with pictures. Our group brainstormed what to write and I was assigned to do research on the topic. I was never confident in my own skills when it comes to researching and presenting what I found but I realize that was not the case. My friends were supportive enough to comfort and encourage me. I could feel myself gaining confidence and have the courage to openly speak what I learnt. Even though the first days were challenging, on the day of presenting our ideas, I was able to do well and we proceeded with our service.

Posted in CAS

Project Week – Change of Plans

Although we were originally planning to go to Nepal, the flight tickets were not dropping down. We tried to tackle it in many ways but in the end, we decided to change our whole Project week plan. It took us two weeks to decide whether or not we still want to continue with an uncertain hope of wishing the price of the tickets to drop. But in the end, we came to the conclusion that we should have a solid plan and went with the new change. It was a shame we couldn’t continue with our original plan.

Our next plan was to go to Cambodia. Although we have a rough draft of what we wanted to do, we could not finish our planning as we were announced that our project week trips were canceled.


Project Week Preparation

After forming a group of six that has a similar interest for project week, we agreed to do all creativity, activity, and service since it will be for a great cause. Our proposal, along with our supervisor’s agreement, was to go to Pokhara, Nepal with the Three Sisters Terrking Organization. They will pick us up from the airport and take us to the Fuji Hotel in Kathmandu. The purpose of our trip along with the collaboration of the Three Sisters Trekking Organization was to promoting a healthier menstrual cycle and hygiene.

Our action activity was to trek approximately three to four days from Pokhara, and through Astam, Dhampus, Australia Camp, and back to Pokhara. It is called Sunset Trek. The service activity or our main goal was to teach the locals English along with knowledge about the menstrual cycle while introducing menstrual cups which are sustainable and reusable, and empowering women of Nepal.

The link attached is the doc to our project week planning doc.

What measures we took:

  • assigning each member a specific role to complete
  • Meeting up with our supervisor every week to get the work done quickly
  • Worked together as a group and occasionally have discussions