CAS Reflection #4

How have you maintained your motivation with CAS?

Personally, CAS is a very hard thing to manage especially when you have studies on the other side. My activities for CAS are Badminton, IFP and Arts and Craft with PPIS Child Care Center. Even though it is not a lot compared to others, It is mentally exhausting due to time clashes.

Honestly, it is already very hard to manage and fit in with the new environment and education system, and with activities following suit, it was a struggle for me at first. My PPIS child care service runs from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm on every Tuesday. With that, I didn’t have any issues with that. However, my badminton activity runs from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For a border, that was a problem. Dinner time starts from 6:00 pm to 7:45 pm so it meant that I will be getting my meals late. Thus, the IFP session runs from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm on Thursdays, which means I have to run as soon as IFP ends.

All of the activities combined with work, it is really exhausting for me. Nevertheless, badminton was something I am really passionate to play ever since young. Even though I am not the type of person to exercise on a daily basis, I know it is healthy for my body and plus, I am enjoying the activity and that’s all I needed. The same thing applies for IFP and PPIS service. I am enjoying both of the services – either meeting new kids or communicating and brainstorming ideas about a topic.

There were times when I had issues with personal matters and school work in general but putting them aside for a bit and letting myself enjoy the services helps me clear my mind up sometimes. All in all, I know that I want to enjoy these amazing experiences furthermore and not lose the opportunity to appreciate it fully.