What strengths have I discovered through CAS?

During CAS, I’ve discovered that I determination in attending and practicing. Especially in Badminton last year, I would go to practice as well as for games to compete against other schools. During practice, I would show up without fail with a dedication in mind. The same applies to Arts and Crafts with PPIS Child Care Centre. I love engaging with people and I was having fun while attending the service. There, I discovered that I have strength in communicating and engaging with people. The same goes for Initiative For Peace. The ability to collaborate with others and interact with them are one of the strengths I’d discovered.

Have you made progress? What’s next?

During the first couple of months until January was my learning months. The line was slowly going up on the graph.

I’ve been learning a lot from my CAS (IFP, Arts and Crafts with PPIS Childcare Center, Badminton). I’ve been learning life skills, social skills, thought-provoking skills, and critical thinking skills. As much as I enjoy learning the skills, shortly after April break, the line on the graph started to decline down due to COVID-19 outbreak.

Although we could not do any social activities, we continued the activity virtually. We had meetings every Tuesday after school and we would discuss what to do next if the school were to open again. We were planning ahead to what comes next. I would say that the line was slowly but gradually starting to go up again.

Even though we couldn’t get to do any of the activities we have planned, I was fortunate enough to have learnt a lot of skills from my services.

CAS Reflection #4

How have you maintained your motivation with CAS?

Personally, CAS is a very hard thing to manage especially when you have studies on the other side. My activities for CAS are Badminton, IFP and Arts and Craft with PPIS Child Care Center. Even though it is not a lot compared to others, It is mentally exhausting due to time clashes.

Honestly, it is already very hard to manage and fit in with the new environment and education system, and with activities following suit, it was a struggle for me at first. My PPIS child care service runs from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm on every Tuesday. With that, I didn’t have any issues with that. However, my badminton activity runs from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For a border, that was a problem. Dinner time starts from 6:00 pm to 7:45 pm so it meant that I will be getting my meals late. Thus, the IFP session runs from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm on Thursdays, which means I have to run as soon as IFP ends.

All of the activities combined with work, it is really exhausting for me. Nevertheless, badminton was something I am really passionate to play ever since young. Even though I am not the type of person to exercise on a daily basis, I know it is healthy for my body and plus, I am enjoying the activity and that’s all I needed. The same thing applies for IFP and PPIS service. I am enjoying both of the services – either meeting new kids or communicating and brainstorming ideas about a topic.

There were times when I had issues with personal matters and school work in general but putting them aside for a bit and letting myself enjoy the services helps me clear my mind up sometimes. All in all, I know that I want to enjoy these amazing experiences furthermore and not lose the opportunity to appreciate it fully.

How might collaboration have been important to success this term?

Generally, all of my services requires teamwork and collaboration.


For badminton, successfully cooperating with the partner on the same side to win is essential, not only for the individual team but also for the whole team.

Arts and Crafts with PPIS Childcare center:

Since the children we are working with are around three or four years old, it is very hard to get their attention. To achieve that, we have to collaborate and work together, brainstorm ideas, communicate a lot and come up with a decent solution. If we do not do that, then we would not have achieved what we wanted.

Initiative for Peace:

Probably this activity is the most collaborative in my opinion. When it comes to peacebuilding, the essential skill one requires, to me at least, is communicating and collaborating along with a very understanding and being open-minded. When doing this activity, a lot of activities require us working together as a group. For instant, the incident of the country Kay and Jay. Kay is a poor country which most recently got their freedom in governing their own country. Their task is to build a monument with the limited amount of resources they have and our team was assigned to be Kay. In order to complete that task, we had to collaborate, communicate and build the monument.

In conclusion, I believe it is harmless to say that collaboration is one of the most important keys to success for this term.

CAS Reflection #3

Post a pic that best describes how your skills are developing. How do you feel about this?


My skills are developing slowly and steadily like gears slowly connecting and functioning. Each gear needs another gear to function and it cannot run without the cooperation of the others. I feel like I need my mental and physical body to work together in order to develop my skills. If I am in a bad mood, I won’t be able to progress. Even if my mind says to work, if my body is tired, nothing will work out. So I feel like I need all the elements of myself to work and progress.
I don’t know what to feel about my skills. I feel great and amaze to know that I was capable of developing new skills such as critical thinking. Because I used to study in a school that doesn’t encourage critical thinkers and uses passive learning a lot, it is amazing to know that I can think out of the box. I am aware that I am lacking in a lot of ways but I can definitely feel the improvement within me.

CAS Reflection #2

What has been the biggest challenge within CAS so far? What might you do to improve this?

So far, I have only attended one period for each CAS, one being IFP and the other being Arts & Craft for Childcare centre PPIS. For IFP, it was really interesting and fun especially when almost half of the members were boarders. In Arts & Craft, we had to do an introduction where we go around and get to know each other.

We haven’t done much since it’s only been the first day of CAS but I am willing to challenge myself and push my limits for every activity I do!