Summer Internship at CERiA

In the summer of my junior year, I completed an internship with CERiA, a research institute based in Malaysia. As my first internship experience, I found aspects of the job that aligned with my expectations, and others that took some adjusting. For example, I knew that there would be an extensive research process due to the nature of the institute, and it ended up taking more than a week from the three-week internship. In order for us to complete our main task, which was to plan out a digital homepage, we needed a comprehensive understanding of CERiA first, which was achieved by reading and extrapolating information from the documents our employer gave us via email. However, what I expected to be a work-intensive, productive three week period proved to be a lot more relaxed and calm than I had imagined.

One mistake, or regret that I would change if I could go back, is to be openly communicative with my employer, especially regarding work-load. After the first week and a half of researching the business, I felt confident I could translate my newfound knowledge into the website plan, and I was ready to move on to the next step. However the remaining weeks weren’t as rigorous as I had thought it would be, and the workload took less than two hours each day to complete. And though I had frequently messaged my employer inquiring what my next task is, I feel that I should have been more straightforward and clarify my position. Our group was motivated and ready to be productive, but we just didn’t have enough material to last us through, and we should have let our employer know about this situation.

I feel that this lesson is so crucially important in all areas of employment for our future, and even in an academic setting. If you feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed, or anywhere in between that doesn’t feel right, it’s your job to let someone responsible know what you need. So my advice for next year’s interns would be to be unafraid of voicing your opinion and making a better work environment for yourself. It shows that you’re motivated and hardworking, and it’ll help you gain more from the experience if you do the most you can.

The Power of Self-Awareness (PSE)

What is self-awareness, and why is it important?

Self-awareness is to be conscious of your own nature and feelings. Being self-aware enables you to reflect on your actions and the intentions behind them, which in turn allows you to be in further control of yourself. People who are self-aware tend to be more successful and comfortable in community environments, which is a trait that is becoming increasingly important today. Compared to the last decade, work environments are changing globally to become a more creative and sociable setting, and being able to regulate your emotions that will impact your actions is immensely important.

Being self-aware also means that you know where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and you know what is right and wrong for you. This way, you can apply yourself to situations in which you perform your best while concealing your weaknesses. In truth, self-awareness is really connected to every aspect in which we live our lives. It’s connected to how we act and feel, how we decide what to do, and our interactions with others.

Personally, I have a lot to learn and practice in terms of self-awareness, but I think that this point in my life might be the perfect chance for me to do so. Junior year of high school is a very demanding and challenging year for the majority of students, one that requires self-awareness to an extent. Knowing where your limits are, and what you are capable of doing without putting too much stress or strain on yourself (both physically and mentally), is a skill that we must develop now in order to effectively support ourselves throughout all the challenges to come in the future.

What I Know About My Junior Year

With my junior year of high school starting in 3 days, what do I know so far?

1. School Environment

Moving into a new country, let alone going to a new school, has always brought new excitement, but also a significant amount of tension. Yet, after experiencing orientation at UWCSEA, I know that I feel safe and happy here, and that I will be able to perform at my best whether that be with academics or other related activities.

2. Importance of Grade 11

Even before starting junior year, I’ve always known that junior year of high school is one of the most important academic years of a student’s life, with more responsibility and drive needed. For these reasons, this coming year is one that I know I will have to work harder at, especially with being a new student and resident. Now, I also know that on top of all these expectations, the school will support me in all the ways possible, and that I will never be alone going through this journey.

3. Freedom & Variety

Lastly, I know that here at UWCSEA, I will also have a variety of opportunities to pursue other hobbies alongside my studies, and that I will have the freedom to try new activities and hopefully get a better sense of who I am as a person.

I’m excited to see what other things I learn about grade 11 at UWCSEA, hoping that this year will be one of the best.