Personal Statement

Personal Statement


I am a person who values kindness, honesty, and perseverance in myself and in others. I have learned that these characteristics are the ones I value the most because they have forced me to think differently about the things around me. This year has forced me to think differently about the world, about everything. The Coronavirus has particularly impacted me not only from shifting to online learning but also realizing the things I take for granted. These things would include the ability to travel freely, the ability to not have to be conscious of a deadly disease, and the ability to know that my family, my grandparents, and cousins, are safe.  


Some of the experiences which have led to who I am as a person today would mainly include those experiences that brought out my fears and taught me something valuable. One of these experiences from this year would be when I went to Borneo because even though I didn’t choose it as my first or second choice, it was still a very memorable experience. I got to see orangutans, crocodiles, and a large variety of birds, monkeys, and insects which I had never thought I would be able to see in the wild. As a result, I learned that so long you have a positive mindset from the beginning, anything can be made into an enjoyable experience that you can also learn from. 


Another important thing that I learned as a result of what I experienced this year was that because I had virtually none of my friends from the previous year in any of my classes, I had to be more open as a person and as a result, I created more friendships along the way. From this experience, I learned that allowing yourself to become more invested in others can be beneficial, as you gain a deeper connection with them and are able to connect with more people. 


I don’t yet know what I exactly want to do when I grow up. What I do know is that I want to work and experience as many different occupations and fields of work, before I decide the one thing which I will spend the rest of my life pursuing. I think I will want to do something involved with science or software but I honestly don’t know yet, I think it is always better to let the future you choose, instead of having a preconceived idea of what you will be when you grow up. This will in turn allow you to be more flexible and able to adapt to what you want to be in a forever changing and unstable future. 

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