Teacher Discussion

Today I had a conference with my teacher regarding my school progress. We talked about how the recent virus has impacted me, which was minimal, as I had my school trip in October. We also talked about my habits, how I have tried to change them, and how that has affected me.

We talked about my progress in Chinese, where I have studied more in an attempt to reach a higher grade. During this time I also said that I feel more comfortable in my mentor class.

What Are You Looking Forward To, or Dreading, This School Year?

This year I am looking forward to achieving goals that I have set myself. My first goal we include studying more and doing a greater quantity of work, outside and inside of the school, as well as improving the quality of that workload. I will be able to achieve this to a greater extent by limiting the amount of screentime which I expend. Subjects in which I would prefer to improve in the most would be Chinese and Mathematics, as improvement in these subjects would lead to a broader understanding of the topics in those fields and help push me to a more advanced class in those subjects.

The Start of Grade 9

Starting a new grade is always scary, but just after the first day you already get used to it. We started the day by asking each other how we felt, to summarise it in one word and then we played a game where we found connections with each other through the use of a yarn. Then we had a break, got to know more about each other, our similarities and talkedĀ  with others in groups. Shortly after, we relocated to the exam hall where a teacher gave us information on how to use the UWC portfolio. The day went by quickly after that and coming home, like every single year, was a relief.