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Model United Nations

Model United Nations

This year, as a new venture, I decided to join the Model United Nations activity. Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the real United Nations, except with students taking part from different schools of different ages, to think and propose solutions to current world issues. This was an activity that I had been very keen to do for many years now, as I had heard about it from mutual friends. However, this was the only year I was able to actually participate.

My first conference was UWCMUN, in September 2017. This was at the UWC East campus, and was a 3 day long affair. This was an amazing first time experience for me, as the committees there were very interesting and the debate was fruitful. The people there were very welcoming, as they knew it was my first time and that I was inexperienced. It was a little bit daunting, as for the first time round, I was in Legal committee, which is a very advanced section of MUN. The delegates were very formal, very prepared, and extremely intellectual. They’d all been to at least 3 conferences, and they had first hand experience with all the things needed to know for conferences. You never really know how to participate and contribute to a conference until you go for the first time and just get head on into it, and that’s the only way to be able to learn.

All in all, it was an amazing thing that I had the opportunity to participate in, and I have participated in two more conferences since then. I have also started up an activity run by students at our school for those keen to learn, and am going  to do a lot more conferences next year!

Commitment to Care

Commitment to Care


What is “Commitment to Care” in relation to UWCSEA?

Commitment to Care is the basis of the UWCSEA mission: to make students care and for them to take action even if it’s not entirely for their benefit. It is an extremely important aspect of our school, as it is what develops the student’s personalities and values, and ensures that they’re the type of children that we need in today’s world. It is also necessary in everyday lives, as it shows that you have the drive and the passion to help others, in order to make the world a better place for everybody.


What does Commitment to Care mean to me?

Commitment to Care is the idea that you’re taking action not for yourself, but for others, but for the benefit of all. It means that your values are strong, and that you’re a caring and kind person that could bring good into bad situations.

Grade 9 Reflection

Grade 9 Reflection

Wow. Grade 9 was a whirl of feelings, emotions, new beginnings. One thing I really loved about this year is the fact that I got to choose the subjects that really matter to me, and ones that I would choose to develop further and that have caught my interest. I’ve also really liked the fact that we have a mix of people in each our classes, and they’re all really interested in the subject, like me. Some challenges would be my time management, as there is a lot of homework presented in Grade 9, and being able to complete it well and in time is a bit of a challenge for me as I tend to procrastinate coming home from school.

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