Diversity Week and International Women’s Day

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I really enjoyed Diversity Week as it showed how diverse we can all be. We learned about the mix of genders and how we don’t have to be bound to just male or female, or “straight” or “gay”. I feel like during Diversity week we all realised that Diversity Week wasn’t just about your sexual orientation, but also about other aspects of social diversity like culture, personality, age, religion etc.

I think Diversity Week was quite important and impactful because it reminded us that we are not just defined by labels but by so much more.

During Diversity Week, we were allowed to dress up in mufti, preferably very colourful, not only was this fun, but it was entertaining to see everyone dressed in so many bright colours.

Oh, and we also played a fun game of kahoot in assembly.


International Women’s day felt pretty empowering being a woman in this school, as I felt it was important to learn about the major impacts women have had in our history of development. We also learned about gender equality and how women are treated differently in different levels of development.  This was important to learn as it highlighted how women aren’t as encouraged in some countries to go to their full potential.

Overall, The Commitment to Care unit helped me to understand who or what I care about. It also helped me to see why I should care for even the littlest of things as even the littlest of things will grow to become bigger things. The Commitment to Care unit went through many things as 

So Far So Good


Its the end of Term 1.

Term 1 has actually gone by pretty fast, whether it was because of our weird new lunchtimes or the fact that we learn at a newer, faster pace – it has been alright, I guess.

Short From 2017

I was in the High School Production of “Short Form”, it was a lot of fun and I got to meet a lot of new people.

I went to the China Climb which was definitely a really fun experience.

My GCSE subjects have been a lot of fun too, I am learning a lot more about drama and the technical side of it compared to the Drama we learned in Middle School.

I am doing fairly okay in my Economics class, but i do think i could improve. Economics is like a new language, you learn new words, you learn to have a new mindset and way of thinking, and much more. So as you expect, it is really difficult. The funny thing is, its all just theory. Most of the things are all what we “ECONOMISTS” like to call ceteris paribus. Its a phrase which means all things remain constant. And in a real world scenario, nothing remains constant.

In Geography I did pretty well. It is also really interesting because it is a subject I have never fully understood, it isn’t just about countries and states but there is also a scientific side of it which gives me a new perspective on things.

I think my overall problem with all my subjects, it to not stress out.

I think I’m going to try yoga.

Find that inner Nirvana.

So yeah,

So far, so good :))

China Climb 2017

So recently I went on a School Trip to Yangshuo, China.

It was during the October Holidays from 14 October – 20 October, we went to China to (just like it says in the title) to climb the mountains of Guilin, Yang Shuo, China.


The scenery was probably the best part, in Singapore the scenery is just the skyline of buildings, so to see real mountains that we could climb just in the distance was already so amazing. And then to be able to climb rocks and mountains was even better.

“Wait a Sesc”

I do climb in Singapore and I enjoy it a lot, so I thought this was my opportunity to finally climb rock mountains because I am pretty sure I might not ever have this chance again.

“Get of MI-LAN-d”

Climbing actual rock is so much better than climbing artificial rocks, it is really sharp though and it takes a bit of time to get used to, but we had a lot of time to climb, so I really did make the most of my trip.

“Just LUC-A-ing around”

However, my one main regret was not asking them for harder climbs because I did really want to see what level I am at and compare that to climbing real rock.

“Nathalie is a spy”

It was so cool to meet East people, and they aren’t as bad as everyone says. We had 5 people from East, and even though the number was small it was really interesting to hear about life at East – which is actually very different.

“Ohhh myyy lucaaaa”

We share so many silly inside jokes that are just around this post for my personal memory 🙂

Do you trust your life on that knot?