The main meaning created by the image above is that with the help from this particular company “weightwatcher”, people who are overweight can lose weight and become “normal”, such that they can exit through the door on the right of the image. Even though it is not directly mentioned, the advert alludes people that this company is capable of making overweight people thin by having two different doors for a single room where overweight people enter the room through the “entrance” door and leave the room through the “exit” door with slimmer body. Size of the left door indicates that overweight people are the ones who need help as they are comparatively bigger in size than the people who are considered “normal” (in terms of weight) in this society, therefore they require larger door to enter the room. The composition of the left door, specifically its portrayal, adds an extra value to why people should use products and services offered by this company. As seen in the image, the “entrance” door is slightly opened, indicating the high availability of the company’s products and services, hence emphasizing the company’s value of accepting everyone who is willing to use their services/products. The right door, named “exit”, shows that people who go through services (or use products) offered by “weightwatcher” will exit the room with thinner body as the exit door is comparatively more narrow than the entrance door.

Even though there are not that much lexical elements used in this advert, mainly due to the emphasis on the visual element, the use of the “signature” in the middle of the advert with relatively vivid color makes the company’s name more conspicuous, allowing viewers to easily identify the name, potentially resulting in more people using the products/services. This effect is further emphasized by the use of blunt color and font for the word “entrance” and “exit”.

The establishment of this company, as well as the portrayal of the exit door as much narrower door have been due to the society’s perception of people having to be thin in order to be considered healthy and pretty/handsome by the public.

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