my personality type result (ESFJ)

– E: I do think that I am outgoing and energized by being around other people, but the presence of “I” reflects how I can be a little shy with people that I don’t really know, as well as how I get nervous when talking in front of a big public.

– S: Being a science and math person, I feel like my judgements are mainly based on facts and information. However, there are occasions where I base my judgements on more of an abstract ideas, especially when dealing with ethical issues.

– F: In this case, I’m in the middle between “Thinker” and “Feeler”, which means that I base my judgements based on “what feels right” AND “what is logical”. I feel like this a crucial skill as I can look at a situation from two different perspectives, which would help me come up with the most effective and efficient conclusion.

– J: I scored the highest, and I strongly agree with this result. This is because of the fact that I tend to stick to the original plan as I believe that a slight change in the plan could affect the entire plan. However, I think that this could be the aspect that I can improve on because being open-minded can in fact help you become more creative, hence possibly making the result much better.

Based on the interest profiler test I took, I can see that I am quite strong in the “investigation” portion, which I agree because I enjoy investigating and figuring out things, such as looking into scientific and mathematical problems. Based on the result, I am least interested in the “Art” portion, which makes sense as I don’t really enjoy and do any of the “Art” related activities, such as music, visual art, and etc. Nevertheless, it is important to develop my interest in the artistic field as being creative can help me not only approach situations very differently, but also come up with ideas that are outside of the box.

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