English Global Issue

Global issue: power imbalance between men and women + importance of female empowerment – power imbalance between men and women are explicitly shown in both texts. Saint Hoax ad shows how men hold more power in the relationship (as a result of societal power) than woman through the woman’s dependence of her husband. Carol Ann […]


Final IO planning

Text combos 1. Bob Dylan’s Like a Rolling Stone and the netflix show Elite by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona –> global issue: power imbalance between the rich and the poor + the exploitation of power by those with money/wealth 2. Carol Ann Duffy’s Little Red Cap and Saint Hoax’s ad (“Grab them by the […]


How does the song ‘Like a Rolling Stone’ explore issues related to society?

“How does the song “Like a Rolling Stone” explore issues related to society” The song “Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan explores the dangers of living pointlessly through the use of a fictional character who has unexpectedly fallen from a high social status. Bob Dylan makes use of various literary features to show the […]