Tag Archives: Sonos

1st Reflection on Sonos

LO4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. Students can articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience or series of CAS experiences. This may be accomplished in collaboration with other participants. Students may show their knowledge and awareness by building on a previous experience, or by launching a new idea or process.

  • Demonstrate regular involvement and active engagement with your CAS experiences and CAS project.


So far, I believe we had about 4 sessions of Sonos. It has been very enjoyable and was a very new type of experience to me. Over the last month, I was able to know people in the activity from regular attendance. It was very fun and I have learned that regular commitment, although it could be boring and less fun than hanging out with friends, led to an amazing piece of work done by all of us through collaboration. I learned that it is critical, especially for activities like Sonos, that everyone is involved and everyone shows the commitment to the project, as Sonos is especially a long-term project as we develop our skills over sessions eventually bring them together as a piece of work.

First session of HS Sonos

First session of Sonos was very different to what I thought, however was much more fun that what I thought and was very enjoyable. I hope, that I still keep this joy until the end of year and that singing remains funs despite of practices and singing in front of audiences.

I think singing in front of audiences will be challenging to me, because I am not used to it and I am not very confident singing in front of people. I feel that it will take some time to overcome this problem, however I hope it gets better as we do several performances.

I’m excited that I will be having many opportunities to join many other performances in school through Sonos, and I will have lots of fun