Take Aways Since the Beginning of the Play

Some key take aways I have had since the beginning of the play is the link between a lot of greek theatre.

I learned that many components of greek theatre have similarities that ultimately define the style of the theatre productions made in ancient Greece. The idea of Hubris shows distinctively in Greek plays. I thought it was interesting to learn about the idea of feeling the “excessive pride and self-confidence” from watching a play. It was a big takeaway to know many of the modern dramas also use this method to convey and provoke emotion to the audience.

I also took note of how Hamartia, a downfall of the hero was quite often as well portrayed within greek plays. This also was reflected in some modern dramas and also plays not based in ancient Greece (Romeo and Juliet), so it was interesting to connect the dots and learn that this idea came from Greece, and it was a big takeaway due to how it was a different approach to cause the audience to feel a certain way through the use of plot.

I further found Catharsis an interesting concept as it is really commonly shown in modern films and entertainment sources. We often come out of theatres or finish books feeling better in terms of mood as we cry from the different dynamics of the plot. It was astonishing to see that this method or effect came from ancient Greek theatre, so it was an impressive take away to note, as I often felt this way for books and films.

Overall, this beginning has given me a lot of background knowledge and allowed me to link the points between ancient Greek theatre and modern types of entertainment, which made this overall learning more remarkable and have more points to takeaway to take note of while completing the Oedipus play.

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