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Pre-Summer Internship Reflection V2

I was just looking back at my portfolio when I found that my first reflection not only was too focus on my initial feeling and does not really answer all the questions that I should have been considering.

So here we are again! This time with a more Q&A format, with an additional reflection on a mock interview with Mrs Wiseman and condensed findings of Dentsu Aegis I gathered!

  • Describe your individual process of job search:
    • What were your goals and expectations?

To be honest, I had approached this opportunity with an “even-if-you-don’t-get-it-might-as-well-work-hard-and-try” attitude because regarding experience, I have always thought of myself as average due to knowing a lot of people around me has already gone to summer camps and internships. So I was just pushing myself to experience the process of applying for one.

During the making of the CVs and resume, I had expected difficulty in making them as I thought myself to be average and have little qualities. So, overall, I had expected my journey of job search to be one full of nervousness and overthinking since this is my first time applying for an internship

    • Were you able to meet your goals? How close to your expectations was the actual outcome?

Yes! And the outcome went even beyond my goal – getting an internship! Imagine the joy I had when I found out that I actually got accepted!

Contrary to my expectations about making the CV and resume, I actually realize that I am unique and pretty awesome! As I list them down, I begin to see how unique I am in a way and grow some appreciation and respect for myself. I am also very proud to say that I have customised each letter to the 3 internships I was applying to

The products: Xuan Ru’s CVCover Letter to Cell Research Corp,  Cover Letter to Golden Agri International,  Cover Letter to Sustainable Living Lab Pte. Ltd.

Although there was a setback regarding my acceptance with Golden Agri International, I am really happy that I was given a second chance with an internship opening for Dentsu Aegis Network

The E-mail about the good and the bad.

So this time, I applied for Dentsu Aegis Network. I know, I did show interest in Sustainable Living Lab before. However, I wanted to try something new and something that I might have never thought of doing – media and advertising. It might be a little too big of a stretch for me, but I think that that’s the way to grow – by pushing ourselves outside of the comfort zone.

    • What have you learned through the process?

I have definitely learned more about myself – how special and unique I am as well as the achievements that I have.

I have also learn how to make a resume and cover letters as I research on them and manage to understand the gist of it

I also feel that I am stronger in a sense that I get up easier when I fall like during the unexpected decision with Golden Agri.

    • What skills have you learned or applied?

I think I have improved on my writing skills with the cover letters.

I also applied one of strength, which is designing and synthesizing information during the making of the resume, which j am really proud of how it turned out.

    • In what other situations or areas in your life might you apply the same skills and learning?

Probably when I am writing reflections and making some art over the holidays.

I’ll probably be also using these skills when I am once again applying for an internship or universities and so on. Who knows, maybe I’ll even make a small graphic on my 1 week internship.

  • What are some of your goals for your summer internship? What might be some factors to consider when defining your goals?
Specific  To improve my interpersonal skills by asking effective questions
Measurable  It will be measured by how comfortable/confidence I feel, can also be measured by peers’ evaluation
Attainable  Hopefully… I mean 1 week may be too short to build a strong relationship but at least I will be able to gain an insight on how a working environment is
Realistic I believe so.
Timely 1 week, still longer than 1 day to make an impression that lasts
Specific  To further my understanding of how a media and digital marketing company functions
(AKA experiencing the real world)
Measurable  It will be measured by how comfortable/confidence I feel as well as my reflections.
Perhaps the number of “Oooos” and “Ahhh” I make too.
Attainable  Hopefully… I mean 1 week may be too short to build a solid foundation on how a company functions (and how the “real world” is), but like what I have done with my CVs and cover letters, make do with my understanding.
Realistic I’m sure I can do it. Like, come on.
Timely 1 week. It’s more than one day so LET’S DO IT!
  • After recording your summer internship experience, what would you want to see/hear in yourself as you look back?

I want to be feeling:
I think I really have grown a lot in this internship. I was actually feeling more confident at myself and spoke out a lot more during the internship.

  • If you imagine yourself at the end of your internship, how might you know that it has been a success?

When I am feeling really comfortable and inspired by the work place.

Maybe when I can actually understand some of my parents conversation about work.

  • What might be some things you hope to be more confident in doing at the end of the work experience that you are not as confident doing right now?

Asking questions and feeling confident about my capabilities overall, though particularly my interpersonal skills.

  • What pieces of evidence might you want to collect to determine the success of your summer internship?

Blogging every day about the internship would be a great idea since it’s only 5 days, but I’m not sure whether I would be resilient enough to keep it going throughout the internship…

Taking photos would be great, but I’m scared that I would accidentally share out confidential materials since I will be under the Media team. I’m also worried that if I ask my supervisor, they would view me as insincere for asking for evidence as if this is only for future applications or bothersome as I am pretty sure I would still be unsure after asking them.

Yeah, collecting evidence during the internship would definitely be a challenge for me.

  • What challenges might you face and what strategies might you employ in these situations?

Definitely my lack of confidence. It may feel difficult voicing out my concerns and questions regarding my task but I think I should just push through with it using a motto that I shall recite:
It’s a learning experience. It’s only one week. GET ON WITH IT!

  • What resources available to you might you tap to ensure a successful internship?

So this was something that I realised I actually had to work on during my mock interview, which is to understand and know what Dentsu is, what they do and their values. So after the interview with Mrs. Wiseman, I decided to compile some research I found about the company.

  • If you could refine it to one goal, what would be the most important one to pay attention to this summer?

Stay strong and confident! It’s only a week so even if you “messed up”, you can recover! PUSH ON!!!


Mock interview – 11 June 2019

During the mock interview, I was extremely nervous, which may have cause me to waste too much time between questions.

A feedback I got from mrs. Wiseman was to be human, which may sound strange but makes sense at the same time.

Although I am there at the internship to learn, I still need to show that I am more than just work and academics.

So after the interview, I decided to compile some questions that I want to ask and answer:

As mentioned before, I also realized and receive feedback on knowing more about the company as having little knowledge about the work can be seen as being uninterested. So I have compiled a fact sheet that has already been attached above.

It’s a Sunday, a day before the internship and I have to say that I am actually so excited about it.

Let’s do this!

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Published inActivitiesInternship (Grade 10 Summer)OthersOutside ExperienceThoughts

One Comment


    Fantastic work! Trust the experience was truly valuable as evidenced by your learning journey catalogued here.

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