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Dentsu Day 2 – Summer Internship 2019

It’s the second day of “working” in Dentsu!

I got the opportunity to do some work, though some I consider confidential so not much pictures from me today!

Not much to say for the introduction so let’s just get straight to it!

  • Today, I took Bus 15 to Eunos station instead, however, I accidentally missed a stop because I was unfamiliar with the place. So I had to spend extra time walking to the station, though I still came early.
  • As I have arrived early, I decided to start learning how to use Excel by going through the tutorial, learning the formulas and tips Excel has to offer (they are basically cheat-codes!)
Learning how to use Excel
  • I also met Rimi, who is the head of the media team! (while I was trying to learn Excel…)
    • My impression is that she is a lively and caring lady, so I am really looking forward to working with her
    • Though as she had to finish up her work due to being away, I wasn’t able to really interact with her today except for the end.
    • Though this also meant that I got to work with Shi Yi again! (I really felt comfortable and happy with her, she’s just so cool!)
  • As I brought my laptop along this time, I am finally able to take part in Shi Yi’s work!
    • So first, I helped complete an investor report (which is a summary of a campaign) on Excel using my newly learned skill like summing, copying format and more!
    • The data was extracted from one of the sites they use: LinkedIn Campaign Manager, which keeps track of data using tags
      • This includes the usual: Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Amount Spent
      • There’s actually another sheet in the document, which shows the workings and recording of each.
      • The summary page displays the total, the breakdown of data by countries as well as by creatives (which are the content of the ads)

    • Although I did not sign a confidentiality agreement form, an investor report is generally only shared with the client, thus I decided to only show the overall image of it, blurring out any figures using photoshop.
  • I was then introduced to one of Dentsu’s work – which is JLL’s Stories of Ambitions campaign
    • This is about 6 young climbers of different backgrounds sponsored by JLL to train under Great Britain climbing coach Ian Dunn in Japan
    • I personally find it incredibly inspiring about the challenges they face and their determination to make it to the Olympics, as Sport Climbing has been confirmed to be a new Olympic sport for 2020
      • My personal favourite is Yau Ka-Chun’s, Karin Kojima’s, and Mark Chan’s story
    • I also realized the technology they have introduced and implement was something I saw in Isolab during yesterday’s tour, where they have actually developed and built the cutting-edge wearable technology used in the campaign. That’s so amazing!
A segment of the E-mail Shi Yi forwarded to me about the campaign. This segment highlights the achievement and hard work Dentsu has put in!
  • After that, I caught up with one of my peer and friend, Haruki, where he introduced me to a hawker centre called Amok Street. It was so packed and almost every stall has a long queue! So this is truly what it’s like to eat in a hawker centre at the CBD…
  • Coming back from break, Shi Yi walked me through how to (not quite) publish an ad in LinkedIn via LinkedIn Campaign Manager
    • So basically, the content (text like headline and description, media like images or videos, link lead which is where the user will be lead to after clicking the media) has already been provided by the client and the creative team
    • However, it is the media team’s job to fill in the details like CPC (Cost per Clicks – How much to charge the company (Dentsu and later on the client) for each click
    • After putting in the information, it has to go through a final check with the client before publishing to make sure that all the details are correct by sending a preview of it.
  • I also “helped” organise and transfer (copy) some files from one folder to another in another platform Sharepoint, a  collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office.
  • While explaining to me about what she was doing (one of the random times when I just look at her screen and ask), she mentioned having a meeting with the clients every week on Thursday. I immediately jumped onto the opportunity to participate in one, even if it was just listening for me.
    • She gave me an okay (technically she said that Geraldson and her probably wouldn’t mind)
    • The meeting would actually be at 8 am since their client is in San Francisco, US (where it’s 5 pm over there), so I would be needing to wake up and prepare earlier.
      • I have talked to my parents about it and they were cool with it (“You are getting up on your own. Kaki gao thim* [which is “Deal with it yourself/Do it yourself” in Hokkien)
    • There is also another meeting at 3:30 pm with another client in Hong Kong, which she also gave an okay for me to join!
  • Shi Yi allowed me to help out by having me calculate the difference between 2 phases of a campaign in Excel
A snapshot of the E-mail Shi Yi sent to me regarding the FoW comparison report, which I blocked out a lot of it in case it was confidential. Never hurts to be safe 😛
  • After that, I went for a walk and bubble tea with Shi Yi and Justin.
    • Somehow, today’s topic was about youth and relationships
    • Having been in a few relationships, they gave me some advice that I thought was quite thoughtful (and kind of strangely philosophical…)
      • One of it is about experience heartbreaks: that if I do experience it, I should take it as an opportunity to learn despite the fact that it might hurt. And as Justin says “Gotta crack some eggs to bake a cake”
  • When we came back, there wasn’t much “work” I could do, so I was advised to research and read about digital media and the terms to further understand the job.
    • I have yet to really create a proper document to write down my content knowledge so this is just a brief link to it
  • When I was packing up to go home, Rimi came over to ask about my day and my experience so far (which honestly has been awesome and fun! Just been thinking about how lucky I was)
    • She mentioned that tomorrow, as Geraldson, the other member of the media team, will be coming to office tomorrow, we could all have lunch as a team gathering. How cool and exciting is that!
    • She also said that she has planned out some work I could be doing tomorrow so I am also really hyped for tomorrow (craving and salivating to learn… LOL)

I am really happy with my second day at Dentsu, and really feel lucky to be having this opportunity. I look forward to talking more to Rimi and meet Gerald! Let’s get along 🙂

Let tomorrow be one that is meaningful!

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Published inActivitiesInternship (Grade 10 Summer)OthersOutside ExperienceThoughts

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