Global Perspectives Blog Post: Do people really have free will?

My post is about how every person, that has access to a device that can connect to the internet, is a slave to alien overlords that put subliminal messages into our devices to do their bidding. Maybe I exaggerated, but with every good story, there is truth to it. Maybe it is not alien overlords that are controlling us, but something closer to home. Advertisement agencies!!!! These agencies do control us with subliminal messages in the form of ads and banners, ‘clickbait’ if you like to call them. These ad agencies slowly put their messages beside your favourite cat videos and vlogs. In our everyday lives, we see ads all around, in a car, surfing the net, or even listening to music. There are ads everywhere, but do they really influence us?

Ads, some people might say that they’ve only seen less than a hundred per day, which is still a lot, but the truth is far greater. These ads are taking into account your every move, your browser history, your booking history and even your LOCATION. Why? It is because they are a form of revenue, income, for these businesses and you may think that they do not affect you in any way, you are dead wrong. Ads that pop up before your videos actually do affect you. It was because of ads that you bought your toothpaste, tried that new sushi restaurant, it was because of ads that you got your new phone. You may not feel like you have, but you are, slowly. We take in information every day, and it influences us. To answer the question, whether we have free will or not, we do. We have the free will to acknowledge or ignore them because the beauty of ads is that we can forget them.