Personal Statement: 2018

       In the past school year, I’ve realized a lot of things, questioned a lot, and answered most of those questions. Constantly crafting new ideas and complex thoughts while still trying to keep my sanity in a world where there is none. 

One time during the year, I planned an expedition. The destination, Orchard Road. The method, walking. I started a challenge for myself and I wanted to see it done, so I walked and continued to walk. On the journey, I realized that it gave me a chance to see a different side of Singapore and I did. I saw alleyways where only dark thoughts lie and restaurants where the distraught are serenaded. A different side of a city where I saw my own little bubble form and morph into something beautiful.

Nothing could stop me on my walk, I got lost on the path but eventually found my way there. My ears, preoccupied with podcasts and my mind with thoughts. Thoughts that helped me explain the world around me and how everything that is on a  macro level can also be transposed onto a micro scale. There were many things I wanted to do and I did. I walked the paths I wanted to. But sometimes I stray. Sometimes something puts a wrench in my plans and I end up not knowing where to go. On the journey, I had Google Maps to guide my way, but in real life, I had only my experiences and my values that help me shape my decisions. I always have a guide throughout my life, its choices and decisions, its ups and downs, and its plans. I had all the tools I needed to guide me and to write my own story.

I’ve always asked myself whether it was just sheer luck or something else that helped me notice all of these things and whether I was in my sane mind to walk all the way to Orchard. But I did it and I walked. I felt something different on my walk. Even though I was alone I felt accompanied. By other people who have other lives and on their daily commute. Walking alongside them, made me see that no matter where we step, others have before us. And that every step that we take is a step back into history and a step into the future.

Centuries of human existence have been here before we were even born and yet we look towards the future, towards the people who will step into our shoes. There will always be something to look forward to, an event, food, a movie, or a person, but sometimes instead of looking forward, we need to look back. Each step has been taken, so look for a path untaken. A fresh one in the wood and take it. I took a path on that trip to Orchard, and I saw many things. I took a path that was less traveled because I wanted a change. Because I wanted to step in the footsteps of others and see what they saw and make it my own.

“I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence”
– Robert Frost