
above/below the waterline 


race, apparence, age, style.


somewhat shy, somewhat outgoing, artsy, down to earth, previous schools, writing, graphic, music, family members, beliefs in politics/global issues. values in relationships, thinking style in arguments/academics.

personality types

speculating – likes to look at the big picture and the possibilities before acting.

how has this impacted your thinking when working in groups?

it is an ideal personality type for me as I believe that understanding the situation and the bigger picture without plunging in without thought is a better, more respectful and more mature way of handling group work and discussion inside or outside of school. I usually have a relatively dominant role in group work. As I believe I am able to give good advice and directions when in a problem or attempting to solve something.

Self talk 

with the ability to think and process situations with the accompaniment of positive self talk, I make it easier for myself to push through difficult situations instead of sinking within them and potentially making the issue worse for myself. For example, in a stressful time period. negative self talk will prevent me from making the best out of my overwhelming stress and using it for good. As I tend to overthink and derail through a path that isn’t necessarily positive. However, with positive intent in all my work and time, It will be easier to decrease high stress levels, thinking about the progressive and uplifting aspects.

Most important thing personally learnt so far?

social skills around large groups and getting to know new friends and classmate by putting myself out there more, with a better attempt to maintain positive thoughts around new and/or existing people without struggle.

during the break i am going to relax by hanging out more with people (friends and family) that are good for me and my wellbeing.

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