Issues of Faith, Ethics, Ideology are all around us

Throughout this unit, it has been a very eye-opening experience. I learned a lot about the different issues surrounding faith, ethics, and ideology. I think that this has really opened my eyes to how much these three perspectives surround us in our everyday lives. I started to realize how much we are influenced by our own faith, ethics, and ideology. Just from the sheer diversity of issues that the people in my class had chosen shocked me, cases focused on issues found across the world. Our faith, ethics, and ideology shape our very views and opinions on the issues we see in our lives. Each issue had its own interesting way of applying these perspectives. For example, how different ideological views on the spectrum had affected the stakeholders on the issue of net neutrality. Or how ethics might have affected the choice of taking someone’s child off life support in the case of Charlies right to die.

Before, when I read the news I’ve never really researched this deeply into the stakeholders of an issue. This is really the first time that I’ve had to think deeply about what they’re perspective might be. In the summative task, we researched a lot about a news related incident, finding varying local and global perspectives on the specific issue we had chosen. By using very different stakeholders, it makes their opinions really stand out and contrast. Overall I think that I’ve been able to learn a lot from this.

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1 comment on “Issues of Faith, Ethics, Ideology are all around usAdd yours →

  1. I feel like Darius has really shown how the assessment has helped him as a learner. He learnt about the faith, ethics and ideologies of the people around him and how they affect his decisions. He also talks about how he didn’t think of something “this way” or “that way” and it has really given him a lot of perspectives to look at. He did a great job reflecting on his work, keep up the good work!

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