Danny Raven Tan, The Cancer Surviving Artist. Underage Drinking?

Today we had Danny Raven Tan come in and talk about his life, what happened throughout and just like what he went through. He suffered from pancreatic in 2010, but with the help of his friends hemoved on from it over time. Even though he suffered so much, eventually he was able to bounce back. In the very beginning, he actually studied in NUS, but it was very boring. So after he graduated he wanted to become an artist, but you know art pays badly in the


begging. So he had to move back to doing his old job. After many years, he got his cancer and thought:
“If I don’t do what I dream to do, when am I”

Throughout his whole presentation, even though it was really rambly and kind of unstructured. It was really clear like, don’t live with regrets, do what you want to do when you want to do. And he is a living example of this. When he came up with the idea of the ‘designer’ hotel, he was thinking how it couldn’t be done because of the budget. But even though he came up with his idea, he wasn’t able to put it in action. He kind of kicked himself in the butt and started to do what he wanted to do after his cancer. Paint.

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