Personally, I know Sleep is very important especially at the age we are. Our bodies are developing and with the many research papers on positive affects, it has on memory and our ability to learn. But thou life has not been shaped properly. Though sleep should be a regular normal schedule, my sleep schedule is absolutely horrendous. I sleep a regular 5 to 6 hours on a weekday and on the weekends I let myself sleep in a lot longer. This lack of sleep happens because I’ve grown accustomed to staying up which is really bad for my general well being. This is mostly because I feel that there is a lot of media that I have access to, previously in middle school a lot of my free time during the day was spent reading manga and watching youtube. But now this has merely shifted to later at night after all of my homework is done. I feel as though I only do this because I know that I will still live the next day. Even if I feel uncomfortable or tired, I know myself that I am able to get to school and survive the day.
Heres the link to the article I read:
I can empathise with you a lot, however, an additional perspective you may wish to consider is if this sleeping schedule is going to be sustainable. You have 2 years of IB ahead of you which would be more stressful than now, maybe you could consider managing your time better and STOP PROCRASTINATION so that you’ll have free time to do what you wish to do.
As you said, the lack of sleep will lead to a decrease in efficiency and may bring up other health issues. Thus, in order to have a healthier and better lifestyle, I urge you to reconsider your life choices and develop a more efficient sleeping plan. 🙂