I think that we have to be more aware of cyberbullying and cases such as sexting because they can have significant impacts on people’s lives. Not only in our school but all over the world has cyberbullying been an issue that we continue to face. In this post, I will be talking about cyberbullying and sexting and what we can do about these issues
Though many people might not be so harsh and critical of others when in a face to face conversation, on an online platform or through a screen it is much easier to say mean things to each other. In my life, I have only really seen cases of people being mean to each other online when they know each other personally. As though its an extension of their argument into the online. Most of the time, these issues of being mean don’t last very long and quickly dissipate. But it’s those situations that continue to repetitively happen that become cyberbullying and sometimes it can even go too far. In class, we discussed and found that most people present have learned to filter out negativity, and even if we did receive a hurtful comment could most likely ignore it. However, we ourselves have most likely never experienced a case of cyberbullying.
Sexting is a very serious issue because sending pictures and the like can create serious issues for both participants. We read articles about how because people online were sharing nude pictures of someone, over 1000 people were charged with child pornography distribution. This really just highlights the importance of avoiding something like this and not partaking in it. These charges are very serious and can have lifelong impacts as well as going on a criminal record.
Overall cyberbullying is quite hard to prevent and do something about. But help others and things will hopefully work out smoothly
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