LO 1 (strengths and setting goals),2(challenges and new skills),5(demonstrate skills + work collaboratively),7(ethics in decision making)
Student Voice is an activity which you volunteer for, a meeting that happens during Friday mentor block in which students of each mentor group within the grade come and gather for a short meeting. Discussing topics relevant to the school’s events and making decisions on behalf of the grade. This is the first time I have chosen to volunteer for this role. In previous years it would always be delegated out to other people, but seeing as this year nobody decided to volunteer I felt like it would be an appropriate time to challenge myself.
I think that this is a great opportunity for me, to take on a minor role within our community and still develop my experiences of being part of the leadership positions in our school. The group of students within the student’s voice have to actively grasp what opinions are held throughout our grade level; to then be used in part of the decision-making process within the school. In the first meeting that was held recently, I personally felt quite anxious to have to be in a meeting with Steven Scott our head of grade. I think that there was a sense of uncomfortable accompanied with this session because it was our first one, and though it helped to know a few friendly faces, this experience meant working with many new people I haven’t met before.
I think that one strength in this context was that I was able to attentively listen to people who were talking. I was able to express this through my body language and this definitely aided in effectively intaking and processing what was happening around me. One area that I want to work on however is being more vocal in the group discussion, this session was a basic beginning on expressing how people might have felt about the off-time table days in the first week. Asking of us how effective we felt the planned presentations and activities were
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