While learning about the environmental spectrum, we were asked to classify what kind of view each of us has. I think that I have an ecocentric point of view however, I do agree some points that technocentric people make, that some aspects of this problem can be solved using technology, we can solve our carbon emission problem using technology. Not all of it, but parts of it. I think that I am an environmental manager as I don’t have too much of an extreme view, I don’t classify myself as a deep ecologist nor do I as a cornucopian as in cornucopian philosophy, people believe that the earth has unlimited resources and can provide for as many people as possible… I am more in between the two extremes, but leaning towards the ecocentric point of view, hence an environmental manager. I do not think that the ecosystems on earth that we see today, are going to last very long due to the amount of pollution we inject into the atmosphere. I do believe that if we change our ways, we may be able to inhibit this planet for longer. I have experienced cognitive dissonance, from my perspective, as my carbon footprint showed that I was 188% over the green line. I think that since this is a UK based website, some of our data wasn’t accurate. However, even so, one can’t deny the fact that 188% is too much of a percentage, and one must reduce it. I am a vegetarian, and I think that majority of this large percentage, is a result of me shifting from Europe to Singapore last year. I think that I am trying my best to reduce my carbon foot print, and I strongly believe that the whole world should be focusing on aiding the environment in any way possible.

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