Project Week Reflection

LO – 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience LO – 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences After we formed our groups, we needed to decide on roles. I was appointed to be the project week manager. In this role, I needed to...

Beach Clean Up #2

This month’s beach cleanup was also quite successful as we had gained a larger group of participants—from 4 to 6—and I hope to further grow the group. Due to high tides, only some areas of the beach were exposed and we mostly collected trash near benches and areas...

Beach Clean Up #1

The beach cleanup was conducted on 31 Oct 2021. We collected 9 buckets of trash weighing approximately 12 kg in total over the course of 4 hours. Some tools, such as tongs and buckets, were provided by the CleanPod shed near the beach. I provided gloves and trash...