This week at LEAP, we discussed our future. Originally, we did some admin work, then we proceeded to sort out assignments and projects for the rest of our time. We discussed possibilities for a college service event or collaboration with family festival. Earlier on this day I watched a documentary, for LEAP, called Let Us Be Heroes, by Rebecca Cappelli. We discussed aspects of the documentary, including the issues regarding the environment and the human body around animal vs plant-based diets.

This documentary sheds light on an important topic regarding the future of us. I realise that I have never had to make a choice between vegetarian and meat-eater because I grew up veg, however, I do think that the bias people have on a plant-based diet needs to change. It may not be easy to cause big sustainable change, but if we can chose what we put on our plate, we are privileged. And if we are privileged, we can chose the more sustainable option. Lastly, I would like to share a quote featured at the start of this documentary.

“Who am I to change the world?” Says 7.6 billion people – unknown

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