RISD CE Introduction to Product Design

Over the past two weeks, I have been taking part in an asynchronous summer program from RISD Continuing Education called Introduction to Product Design. It’s been really interesting to see the development through the design thinking process, below are all my assignments for this course.   The first assignment was on design principles and displaying […]

Healthy Living NYAA Final Reflection // NYAA

As Covid 19 restrictions have been tightening over the last few weeks I have been trying to maintain somewhat of a healthy routine despite the challenges. I have been trying to do some yoga, some indoor movements, along with whatever organized activities possible. It’s been a big learning experience trying to manage and regulate my […]

Human Acts Character Analysis // English

After reading Han Kang’s Human Acts, I have been working on unpacking the main themes, characters, plot, connections, and more through a medium of a mind map. Below is a mind map I have been working on in a partnership over the last few sessions in class, it has been very interesting to unravel the […]

Human Acts // English

I found story number 3, The Editor, to be the most impactful and graphic from my point of view. I have found that the way the story goes through a cycle of ‘Slaps’ with several other mini-stories and the editor, Kim Eun-sook. Her story during this time is filled with cruel acts as she is sentenced […]