English Language and Literature

English A: Language and Literature (also called Lang Lit) is one of my Standard Level IB subjects. In it, we analyse all sorts of texts, ranging from photographs to films to literature to social media posts, and connects them to global issues.  

I chose it because English is my first language and so I felt it fitting to do a Language A in it, and I was particularly interested in the Language part, which UWCSEA East only offers in English. I chose Language and Literature not only because I want to analyse a variety of text types, not only literature, but I believe it will help me understand the types of texts that I see more often than novels. Compared to the 12 or so books I read per year, I probably see hundreds of advertisements, many social media posts, political speeches, and newspaper headlines – all carefully crafted with a certain aim. Therefore I feel like I can the experience in this class more in my daily life. And yet it is great that I still get to analyse Literature too – which I think is a great way by which we can reflect more about our own lives.