Cambridge IGCSE

For the first and second year of High School (14-16 years old), I took part in the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. This is the international version of the British GCSE. One has the opportunity to get a basic understanding of a wide variety of subjects, and get an internationally recognized qualification for each. These are the subjects I chose:

  • English Language
  • World Literature (in English)
  • Co-ordinated Science (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry)
  • Extended Mathematics
  • Additional Mathematics
  • Mandarin – Foreign Language
  • Global Perspectives
  • Geography
  • Design and Technology (Systems and Control)

The subjects in blue were electives or optional at UWCSEA East. 

CREST Project – Final Reflection

Here is my reflection presentation. Here is a summary of what I think is the most important reflection that I did there. For my CREST project, I made a picture book with the aim of educating young children and their parents about the environmental impacts of clothing...

Online PE Week 2 Reflection

This week, I think I really exceeded my goals for social and mental wellness. This is because I learned a lot about Irish grammar, and I did several calls with my friends. This week helped me realize just how helpful watching children's TV really is for language...

Online PE – Week 1 Reflection

In PE, we have recently been given the challenge of taking part in physical, mental, and emotional wellness throughout every week. We all had to set goals, and put some evidence that we are working towards them on a padlet. This was my goal: Mon: 11/5 - 30 min body...

SWOT Analysis for Science Projects

Strengths: I am interested in various areas of science, so I will probably be interested in and committed to the subject I choose Independent working is my strength, as I tend to be quite efficient and focused on the project when I do it I am very organized with...

Grade 10 Personal Statement

My name is Ran McClean. My name is also Ran Okochi, or Okochi Ran, or even, as some would say it, Ookoochi Ran. I don’t really like the last one, though it does make typical teenage me snicker. Although it is not the name on my main passport, I am increasingly...

June Progress – Healthy Living

This month, I spent 3 of the weeks almost completely away from any music. This was because I was hiking in the Himalayas (see the post Ladakh and Buddhism). However, the last session of the HS orchestra was very productive. We played Divertimento by Mozart, and due to...

May Progress – Healthy Living

May has been relatively less productive as far as my goals for Healthy Living go, although I suppose that has at least partially to do with my having achieved my goal. Now, I am pondering creating a new goal. Perhaps I could log my work in a future activity I may end...

My Personal Statement

I have just begun High School, which is well-known as a time of personal growth and self-reflection. So it is kind of strange to report on “who I am”, as I have seen that change so much just over the last 3 and a half years. However, I think that what makes this...

Trust and Intimacy

When I went to the assembly we had on Wednesday, 26th of March about trust and intimacy, I felt that I didn't learn much. A lot of it was things I had eventually figured out for myself or had been introduced to through online information pages. We discussed what trust...

International Women’s Day

Why do we have International Women's Day? Because in today's world, even in the most progressive countries, women are held back by deep, subtle ideas that they are less than men in many things aside from being beautiful. If something she does doesn't make her...

Buddy Session with 8GTs

On Thursday (February 28th), we had another meeting with our grade 8 buddies. To prepare, Kai and I had lead the creation of a slideshow, with top tips for the Grade 8s on how to deal with Grade 9 in general. BhN and DJC had met up the week before to plan the meeting,...

4 Familiar Faces and Their Stories

On the second day of the Writer's Fortnight Carousel, I attended the talk by 4 IB students at our school: Zubin, James, Anthony, and Arman. I knew Zubin before from being in the HS Law Society with him, and James knew because he was obviously the older brother of my...

“Flying Toilets” and Compassion

Nairobi, known for the safaris and wildlife in its vicinity, is also home to millions living in slums. And Precious was a hair width away from being among those who die there. The slums, like many, have their sewage problems. Hence, the “flying toilets”, water-filled...

A teacher in a prison

Chris Huntington looks like the last person you'd see in an American prison. At first glance, he is the archetypical, skinny American teacher – the one with the students rolling their eyes in the films. And yet, he taught medium-security prisoners so that they can...

Omer and his Cousin with Autism

I do not pretend to know much more than average about Autism Spectrum disorder, aside from observations of my older cousin (who is thought to be somewhere on the spectrum) and half-remembered medical facts. So it was a great opportunity to learn more when my...

Feature Articles – Journalism

What is a feature article? A newspaper or magazine article that delves deeply into one topic or story. They tend to be quite sensationalist, and often emphasise how that topic/person is part of a story or narrative. Instead of reporting on overall trends or public...

Learning in English – Term 1

This term in English I have learned a lot of new skills, vocabulary, and new things to pay attention to more in life. English is both the subject I am best at, and one that is among my top 3 favourites, so I hope that this learning of things I find interesting or...

Am I on track with my goals?

So, at the beginning of the year and at the very ends start of this blog, I made a post about the goals I had for the year. As I write this, I realise that I am not 100% sure what they even are, let alone whether I've achieved them. Now that I have gone through all...

October – Mentor Learning Update

  Due to the October break, there isn't much to report on mentor time this month. In the middle of the month, the whole grade 9 was given a task: To make a 1-minute music video promoting one of the VIA strengths. We had to dance or perform or act over music. The...

How Can I Manage My Workflow?

How do I manage my learning? Usually, around 15 minutes after I got home, I create a to-do list for the day, based on the OLP calender as well as my own projects (my own research, practising my flute playing, etc.). Within this, I sometimes make it so that everything...

Singapore Laws Discussion

On Tuesday, the 18th of September, we as a Mentor Class had a bit of a discussion about laws in Singapore. We started by looking at our own knowledge of laws in Singapore. We knew from before that Singapore was a very strict and conservative country. We raised points...

Loops of Loneliness

There are many ways in which how I act may inform how a person may perceive themselves. This may be through explicit messages such as me saying that they are good at this or bad at this, or implicit, in my body language with them, or how high I prioritize them. I know...

Being Kinder to Myself

I find that I have never really had much confidence or real love for myself, and even as a young child, I consistently thought that the other kids had huge egos (even if in retrospect, I can see that their confidence was normal for their age.). There are many root...

10 Strengths

My own Strengths: I am a very curious person, and always want to learn more about the things that I learn. This helps me to be very engaged in class, and keep doing my semi-constant research projects. Ambitious. I am quite a perfectionist in my projects and dislike...

5 Books That Shaped Me As A Person

The Harry Potter Series - J. K. Rowling Although I think it as a generic, slightly dull series now, the infamous Harry Potter series got me hooked on books with more complex themes than my childhood reads of Michael Morpurgo and the like. Harry Potter no.5 delved into...

My Four Favourite Words

What would make me love a word? It's meaning, the sound of it, how it looks, perhaps the rhythm of it? It could even be my mood at the time. But perhaps it doesn't matter, and I should just share these wonderful words with you: Slander: How satisfying it is to say. It...