Representation of Women

Both the ads have the same message which is woman have to achieve a certain “look” for them to be considered beautiful. The older ad is for a “chin reducer” and beautifier and the ad makes it seem like automatically reducing your chin will also make you more beautiful. This idea that beauty is in one set shape has been seen for generations of women and there have been a countless number of advertisements showing how you can change yourself to fit that mold better. The older ad is also made by Eugene Mack who I am assuming is a male and this suggests that women were striving for this idea of beauty so that they are more appealing to men. The more recent ad is a lot simpler but shows the same message of beauty. The phrase “are you beach body ready is in big bold letters and takes up most of the ad, the term ‘beach body’ only refers to the body type of the lady on the ad and it’s not a very attainable standard as she’s posing in a certain way and could have been photoshopped so the model herself may not even look like that in real life. Although the picture is in black and white you can tell the model is caucasian and has blonde hair which narrows down the amount of women who can relate to this ad by a huge amount. I feel both of these ads send a pretty harmful message especially to young girls who may see it as it would influence them for most of their lives that they have to look a certain way just to be seen as attractive. This could also potentially trigger uhealthy habits or even eating disorders if it’s something girls are constantly seeing. The older ad has much less of an appealing design and is more just to get the message out there about this product, the biggest words on the ad are chin reducer, beautifier and curves of youth. This shows what they want to stick in the audiences mind about their product. The recent ad is much more appealing to look at especially for men as there is a model wearing very little clothing and posing provocatively, there is much less text as well and more thought into the colours. In both it seems to be a caucasian women as the model and this doesn’t give much representation to other races as it suggest that light skin is the standard of beauty. It could make women question their identitiy and confidence if they don’t look that way. 


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