How I’m Feeling Today

Monday Sep 10

I’ve been starting to go to sleep earlier than usual, always before 11 and I’m starting to feel the effects of more sleep. I don’t exactly feel more rested since there is so much sleep I need to catch up on, but I feel fresher at the beginning of the day, which is jut nice.
Over the weekend I also tried a new way to organize my assignments, I made a new calendar and it’s worked really well. I’ve been more motivated to work and I feel more in control. On the weekly survey where in the last weeks I felt like a 7-8, today I marked 5. Even though there is still so much I have to do, I feel slightly more in control.

The past four weeks have been filled with stress, but I feel like from now on it’s going to be slightly better.

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One Reply to “How I’m Feeling Today”

  1. See what I mean about maturity? You’re displaying yours admirably! 🙂

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