Project Week Initial Planning

*third time writing this reflection*

  • Planning: – Originally my main focus was to go with my friends and work with children. My friend offered for us to go to Hanoi to visit Blue Dragon a service she has been actively involved in for many years with amazing children. We initially begun as a group of 4, later expanded to a group of 5 that works with another group of 5 for all 5 days at Blue Dragon.
  • All aspect of CAS are met in our project. We plan to attend a yoga class every day for activity. Originally we wanted to do a 2 day trek in Sapa but realised it was not entirely feasible. We will attend a cooking class which will count for creativity. We will be working with the GC, Blue Dragon for the entirety of the trip which will account for the service aspect. Lastly, the planning and execution of project week as a whole will count for CAS project.
  • We have been very organized and worked to each others preferences without much compromise taking place.
  • First Aid Training: I took part in the full day training as I am the designated First Aid person. I throughly enjoyed this training despite the lengthy online course that it came with.I believe it was the perfect job for me as I plan to study medicine and am interested in being a doctor. I learnt a lot of valuable skills that could come in handy at any time and worked on skills I already knew such as CPR.   
  • All flights are booked, the hotel is booked, Blue Dragon is aware and in contact, Yoga classes and Cooking classes have been signed up for. With just a few small nitty gritty logistics to be completed, we’re almost on our way to project week!

The Goals

  •  What are my goals for participating in this activity?
    My goals for project week are mostly to make a lasting impact on the lives of the children at Blue Dragon. I want to be able to help them as much as I possible can in my short stay. 
  •  Do these goals represent a risk for me? Why/why not?
    Yes. I will have to be appropriate with my actions and make sure I don’t get too attached because withdrawal issues can be hard to deal with. 
  •  How am I progressing towards achieving my goals?
    Upon going to the child protection session, I know what I should and shouldn’t do when working with children in order to make the most of my time there without damage. 


My CAS Choices – Reflection

My CAS that will be completed over the next 18 months will be my chance to try out a bunch of new activities, take up roles that I have not previously taken up and continue on projects/activities that I have enjoyed in the past.

Creativity: For creativity, I am the Head of Photography for the school yearbook team. I will be working in a leadership position to ensure that all the photos of every school event, every single portrait of the students etc. is present in the yearbook. This is my first year being the head of photography so this is a new challenge for me and I am highly looking forward to this. I plan to physically take a lot of the photos by attending different school events and outsourcing events I cannot attend to my teammates.

Here is a photo of the drive in which I will be uploading photos from the year into their respective areas. This is one of my many roles as Head of Photography.

Activity: For activity, I am apart of Culturama (a dance showcase) and will be attending weekly dance rehearsals as a part of my activity. I will also try to be apart of pre-season soccer and Kahaani (an Indian dance showcase lead by my global concern, Kolkata GC) for other parts of my activity.

Service: I will be working with the local service Sundac throughout the year. With once a week sessions of 2.5 hours, I will have a lot of hands on interaction with the partners. This service takes place both in one of my free periods and extends into my lunch time. This service is a new service for me as it is only offered to IB students with that specific free period. I chose this service because it works with the mentally disabled and connects to my passion of helping people different from myself. I am continuing my role as communications officer in my global concern, Kolkata GC which I have been apart of since the start of high school, 9th grade, and plan to actively partake in the global concern once again in order to help the visually impaired. I believe that my global concern and local service are very similar in the fact that they help people with disabilities and that is one of the reasons I feel so passionately about making a change in both communities.


Image result for sundac

Projects: I will be partaking in a variety of different activities throughout the year. I will be going on Project week but at this point I am not aware of where, what and even who I will be going with. I will be working with the IFP team (Initiative for Peace) leading up to several different conferences. This will be throughout the entirety of this academic year. This is a brand new experience for me as it is an activity offered only to 11th graders. I’m looking forward to working towards reaching peace in our small communities and spreading it out to places where peace is more of an issue through a conference. I will also be working towards attending a few MUN conferences throughout the course of the year and I will be preparing for these conferences for about 6 months of the school year.

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