TOK- Knowledge Question #1 – The Arts

Word count: 200-400 words

To what extent can one describe the knowledge produced in the Arts as objective?


TOK Terminology

Knowledge produced in the arts are very subjective as everyone has a different opinion of what they consider good art. As everyone has different opinions on the way of considering something as nice or not. Arts cannot be considered objective as their is no right way to create something in the arts, there is no definite right or wrong in anyway therefore it cannot be objective. What is considered valuable or great knowledge is up to the eyes of the viewer and that of the artist, which are most likely different.

Real Life Example

AOK Terminology

In the arts, it is harder to know what is considered knowledgable. A real example of this would be the Mona Lisa, everyone knows it is one of the world’s most famous, valuable and therefore beautiful pieces of art out there but this is an example of shared knowledge that has been passed on from others. It is something we are told to know but in our eyes, it may seem dull and boring. We may not see the value or the meaning behind it or just straight up might not like it therefore Art is the most subjective of the areas of the knowledge. In other areas of knowledge such as Natural Sciences, people have discovered, experimented and attempted to falsify theories before allowing sharing of the information to take place. It may not even be that great to the artist itself as art is so subjective, everyone will have a different opinion on any knowledge from the arts.

TOK Analysis

TOK Terminology

(+AOK Terminology)

The arts are fully subjective as everyone has their own opinions on what they consider good or not. Art is created to be appreciated or many different reasons.


TOK Terminology

Art can be objective in the sense that grades cannot be put on it for exams if it is not objective to some extent. Art as a whole is highly subjective but for different circumstances, it has to be objective.

Real Life Example

AOK Terminology

As an example of when art is objective, when grading IGCSE art grades, the examiners create a rubric of different things that are required to be done by the artist and there has a be a strict criteria on how art should be graded to ensure that personal opinion is not taken into account.

TOK Analysis

TOK Terminology

(+AOK Terminology)

As art is more than just what is on the surface, it is impossible for it to be objective. Everyone has a different opinion on the look of art, weather it is beautiful or ugly, and the deeper meaning is usually not known to everyone.
Short Evaluation Overall, art is purely subjective but to an extent in different scenarios, it is required to be objective. Art is more complicated than just what can be seen by the ordinary viewer. Something this complicated has to be subjective.


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