Kahaani 2

Kahaani has finished and I am very proud of what we were able to achieve. Towards the end of the practise sessions, we were clearly unprepared. We would have many mistakes in the practice runs in front of other Kahaani groups. I think this brought our motivation down as we all became afraid of performing in front of parents and students. I am very grateful to our supervisors as they did not give up and motivated us to practice and work harder.

Kahaani has helped me develop my communication skills. As mentioned in my other posts, I become very nervous in front of large groups of people. This prevents me from asking a question during class. During the first few weeks of Kahaani, I was very ashamed to ask questions to the dance leaders and talk to my dance partner. Kahaani helped me overcome this by pushing me to the limit.

LO 1 Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4 Show commitment to and perseverance in your CAS experiences

LO 5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

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