Reflection of WF

“Our student-writers rose to the challenge, producing authentic, responsible and powerful pieces”

How far does this describe your experience? Consider the insights* [to journalistic storytelling, to our community] that you gained, and the personal rewards and challenges of the process.


I feel like I have done a respectable job in producing an authentic, responsible and powerful piece. I think I was able to produce a piece that was genuinely reflective of Ella’s journey of her invisible disability, whilst providing a proper exposure to the audience of the topic. A personal challenge to me was remaining objective because of the constant consideration I felt of being too judgemental. As a sensitive topic, I had to be careful in the choice of my words as to not offend or disrespect Ella or those who are experiencing the same condition. In that sense, I think I was sensitive in the way I was balancing my facts and interpretation of my article. I believe I have not misled or exaggerated parts of her story, though I may have included personal sentiments of Ella’s story. For that reason, I think I have been authentic with my interpretations but at the same time being responsible by being considerate and not miscommunicating facts. But all of this only came to me after the Draft 1 attempt, after learning that I may have made some judgemental statements. With regards to producing a powerful article, I chose to provide Ella’s real-life experience and related it to the wider youth community in our school which gives impact by providing audiences a chance to empathize. This emotional connection allows readers to have a deeper understanding of the topic which can further inspire them to have a persevering attitude.


One thought on “Reflection of WF

  1. You should be proud of the article, Hiro…I agree you did a respectful job of her story. What did you learn from the feedback?

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