Short Stories

I ended up watching the 2 short stories, “The Kid” and “Different”

Immediately upon watching these short stories, it seems as though the ultimate purpose/aim of these stories are completely different and as a result, makes them distinct from one another. As for “The kid”, the details and camera quality match the blockbuster worthy title, which can be further exemplified with the typical ‘Hollywood’ type plot, a kid with ‘mysterious’ powers that can magically revive people. On top of this, you have the standard 1 versus many other brawl fights because, without it, I guess it will lack the content of a commercially aimed movie. On the other hand, “Different” is very much ‘different’, with the apparent 2 protagonists having some form of a disorder in a realistic setting of a normal life. It seems as though this short story aims towards bringing attention to the social problems/struggles these ‘different’ people face, yet also bringing light to the idea that things can still be normal, regardless of the restrictions that people have or are born with. Sad to say this but the acting and camera quality also seems quite a bit amateur-ish.

In terms of similarities, one thing that is evident and is crucial to both of these short stories is the idea of being “different”. The kid with the magical powers and the kids with some form of physical disability. But, as aforementioned, the reason why such scenario’s and characterization were made are most likely different. However, the fact that these short stories contain characters in which are ‘different’, it naturally results in provoking curiosity to us audiences. Emotions evoked from us can vary, such as jealousy or empathy.

All in all, I think I watched quite a distinct pair of short stories. It makes it quite hard to see what kind of similarities can be drawn between these 2.

Categories: ELP

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