How has lockdown influenced me?

COVID-19 has influenced my family and others significantly. To be honest, it feels quite surreal to be involved in an international phenomenon, a pandemic, something that is considered to occur once every couple of centuries or so. Yet, despite the panic and distress it has brought amongst many, here in Singapore, I myself including others don’t seem to feel a great sense of urgency upon this case. In fact, it was to the point where I found this pandemic to be convenient, getting a break from school and a long break. From a personal standpoint, I find this pandemic to be quite beneficial to my family. I myself started building positive habits, such as routinely exercises and my Dad, who rarely gets the time to do so, now has plenty of it to get his body active. I can also see some of the positives COVID-19 has brought to the world in terms of the environment. But then again, this all comes at the cost of many lives being lost and disrupted. However, I feel like especially in times like these, it is important to make the most out of the situation which I believe has led to the many beneficial habits I have developed. As bitter as it may be, if it weren’t for COVID, I don’t think myself and many others would have learnt and developed some of the new knowledge or ‘quirk’ that we have grounded as a result of these harsh times.