Sonos choir is a creative activity that I have participated in since grade 10. As someone who is not a particularly talented singer, I had always regarded Sonos as being more for fun than anything else. I quickly realised that I do in fact have valuable skills to bring to the table. I was able to bring my skills in reading music, music theory, and my experience performing in ensembles (jazz band) to better my own singing, and help those around me.

For example, holding a harmony isn’t an easy thing to do, but because I have ensemble performance experience, I know how to be aware of those around me while not getting distracted, and I was able to share and teach this skill to my friends around me, as well as new grade 9’s joining choir.

A skill I feel I have been able to develop through my time in sonos is my ability to sing with confidence. When I began in Sonos I had a habit of singing quietly, however with experience I have been able to sing louder and with more confidence, this has also been assisted by the number of people in the alto section. This year especially, the alto section is quite small, which puts more responsibility on me and the other altos to sing with confidence and to be very sure of our parts, ie. when we are singing the harmonies and melodies.

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